Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.basic

The basic implementation of the Navigator core interfaces.


Class Summary
AbstractFunction INTERNAL: Abstract implementation of FunctionIF, which should be the superclass for customized functions.
AssocInfoStorage INTERNAL: Helper class for storing one triple consisting of (Association Type, AssociationRoleType, Associations).
AssocInfoStorageComparator INTERNAL: Specialized comparator for AssocInfoStorage objects.
BrokenNavigatorConfiguration INTERNAL: Created when there are XML parse errors in the configuration file so that we can report these errors in a proper way.
ContextManager INTERNAL: Default Implementation of ContextManagerIF.
CustomNameStringifier INTERNAL: Stringifier that stringifies TopicNameIFs and VariantNameIFs by calling their getValue() method.
DeciderIFWrapper INTERNAL: A NavigatorDeciderIF implementation which wraps DeciderIF, so that they can work with the navigator decider interface.
DefaultIfDecider INTERNAL: class which implements interface NavigatorDeciderIF.
DefaultUniversalLinkGenerator INTERNAL: Default link generator which produces links to any kind of topic map object.
Function INTERNAL: A FunctionIF implementation used by the XML-based ModuleIF reader code.
HelloWorldFunction INTERNAL: Implementation of FunctionIF interface for testing purposes.
JSPEngineWrapper INTERNAL: This class is used to hide the differences between the JSP 1.1 and JSP 1.2 APIs so that the OKS can support both.
Module INTERNAL: ModuleIF implementation that reads functions from an XML resource.
NavigatorApplication INTERNAL: Basic Implementation of interface NavigatorApplicationIF to store all handles to application-wide configuration holders needed by the navigator framework.
NavigatorConfiguration INTERNAL: A configuration holder class for storing and providing information about the application configuration.
TypeDecider INTERNAL: Decider for verifying if a given topic type is identical or a subclass of a reference topic type (for example occurrence type).

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.basic Description

The basic implementation of the Navigator core interfaces.

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