Class NavigatorUtils

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils.NavigatorUtils

public final class NavigatorUtils
extends java.lang.Object

INTERNAL: A utility class with miscellaneous helper methods used by the navigator tag-libraries and the framework.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static NavigatorApplicationIF getNavigatorApplication(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)
          INTERNAL: Gets the navigator application instance belonging to the web application.
static NavigatorApplicationIF getNavigatorApplication(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
          INTERNAL: Gets the navigator application instance belonging to the web application.
static java.lang.String getStableId(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Returns a stable identifier for the topic map object.
static TopicMapRepositoryIF getTopicMapRepository(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)
          INTERNAL: Gets the topic map repository used by the web application.
static TopicMapRepositoryIF getTopicMapRepository(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
          INTERNAL: Gets the topic map repository used by the web application.
static java.util.Collection string2Collection(java.lang.String strList)
          INTERNAL: convert String entries separated by whitespaces to a ordered collection.
static java.util.Collection string2Collection(java.lang.String strList, java.lang.String delimiter)
          INTERNAL: convert String entries separated by whitespaces (default) to a ordered collection.
static TMObjectIF stringID2Object(TopicMapIF tm, java.lang.String s)
          INTERNAL: Tries to convert a string which should contain a subject identifier, XML ID, or object ID to a TMObjectIF object in the following order: try to match a subject indicator (tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier) try to match a source locator (tm.getObjectByItemIdentifier) try to match a topic id (tm.getObjectById)
static TopicIF stringID2Topic(TopicMapIF tm, java.lang.String s)
          INTERNAL: Tries to convert a string which should contain a subject identifier, XML ID, or object ID to a TopicIF object in the following order: try to match a subject indicator (tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier) try to match a source (tm.getObjectByItemIdentifier) try to match a topic id (tm.getObjectById)
static java.util.Collection stringIDs2Topics(TopicMapIF tm, java.lang.String strList, java.lang.String delimiter)
          INTERNAL: Converts from a string of subject identities, source IDs or object IDs separated by spaces (default) to a Collection of topics.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NavigatorUtils()
Method Detail


public static final java.util.Collection string2Collection(java.lang.String strList)
INTERNAL: convert String entries separated by whitespaces to a ordered collection.

strList - delimiter separated list of string entries.


public static final java.util.Collection string2Collection(java.lang.String strList,
                                                           java.lang.String delimiter)
INTERNAL: convert String entries separated by whitespaces (default) to a ordered collection.

strList - delimiter separated list of string entries.
delimiter - characters which are used to separate the list entries.


public static final TopicIF stringID2Topic(TopicMapIF tm,
                                           java.lang.String s)
INTERNAL: Tries to convert a string which should contain a subject identifier, XML ID, or object ID to a TopicIF object in the following order:

tm - the topic map object
s - the String which should be investigated.
A matched topic otherwise null.


public static final java.util.Collection stringIDs2Topics(TopicMapIF tm,
                                                          java.lang.String strList,
                                                          java.lang.String delimiter)
INTERNAL: Converts from a string of subject identities, source IDs or object IDs separated by spaces (default) to a Collection of topics.

tm - the topic map
strList - separated list of identities and/or ids
delimiter - characters which are used to separate the list entries.
A Collection of matched topics in the order they were listed. Arguments that do not match will be ignored.


public static final TMObjectIF stringID2Object(TopicMapIF tm,
                                               java.lang.String s)
INTERNAL: Tries to convert a string which should contain a subject identifier, XML ID, or object ID to a TMObjectIF object in the following order:

tm - the topic map object
s - the String which should be investigated.
A matched object, or null.


public static final TopicMapRepositoryIF getTopicMapRepository(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)
INTERNAL: Gets the topic map repository used by the web application.



public static final TopicMapRepositoryIF getTopicMapRepository(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
INTERNAL: Gets the topic map repository used by the web application.



public static final NavigatorApplicationIF getNavigatorApplication(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)
INTERNAL: Gets the navigator application instance belonging to the web application.


public static final NavigatorApplicationIF getNavigatorApplication(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
INTERNAL: Gets the navigator application instance belonging to the web application.


public static java.lang.String getStableId(TMObjectIF object)
INTERNAL: Returns a stable identifier for the topic map object. This will either be the fragment of a source locator, or the object ID if no suitable source locator is found.

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