Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils

Provides utility classes for the Navigator Tag Libraries and Framework.


Class Summary
ContextUtils PUBLIC: Utility methods for working with the variable bindings in the Navigator context.
DynamicTreeWidget EXPERIMENTAL: This class can output a nice collapsing/expanding tree view of a topic map implemented with DHTML, which uses tolog queries to produce the tree.
FrameworkUtils INTERNAL: Framework related utility class providing some helper methods needed to easier for examples access user information.
ModuleContentHandler INTERNAL: A content handler for module specification files (root element "module" which consists of an arbitrary number of "function" elements.
ModuleReader INTERNAL: Default implementation of the interface ModuleReaderIF
NavigatorConfigFactory INTERNAL: Provide easy access for reading in an action configuration file and generating an action registry object from it.
NavigatorConfigurationContentHandler INTERNAL: A Content Handler for reading in an application configuration file (default name: application.xml, default location: WEB-INF/config).
NavigatorUtils INTERNAL: A utility class with miscellaneous helper methods used by the navigator tag-libraries and the framework.
NoEscapeStringifier INTERNAL: Stringifier that stringifies occurrences to their internal string value and all other objects using obj.toString().
RequestAttributeStoreServletFilter INTERNAL: Servlet filter that creates a new topic map store for each request.
ScopeUtils INTERNAL: Framework related utility class providing some helper methods needed to easier for access to scope information.
Stringificator INTERNAL: Utility class to provide easy access to a stringified representation of given topic map objects using the page context to make use of the user defined scope.
ThreadLocalStoreServletFilter INTERNAL: Servlet filter that creates a new topic map store for each request thread.
TreeWidget PUBLIC: This class can output a nice collapsing/expanding tree view of a topic map which uses tolog queries to produce the tree.

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils Description

Provides utility classes for the Navigator Tag Libraries and Framework. Some of these are useful when writing plug-in classes or code in JSP pages.

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