Class QueryMatches

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic.QueryMatches

public class QueryMatches
extends java.lang.Object

INTERNAL: Object used to hold query results during computation.

Field Summary
 int colcount
 java.lang.Object[] columnDefinitions
 java.lang.Object[][] data
static int initialSize
 int last
 int size
Constructor Summary
QueryMatches(java.util.Collection columnDefs, QueryContext context)
          INTERNAL: Creates a new matches object with the given column definitions.
QueryMatches(QueryMatches matches)
          INTERNAL: Creates a new (empty) matches object with the same column definitions as the QueryMatches object passed in the parameter.
Method Summary
 void add(java.lang.Object[][] newdata, int length)
          EXPERIMENTAL: Adds input array to this table.
 void add(QueryMatches extra)
          INTERNAL: Adds all the matches in the given table to this table.
 void add(QueryResultIF extra)
          EXPERIMENTAL: Adds QueryResultIF matches to this table.
protected  void addNonRedundant(QueryMatches matches)
          INTERNAL: Adds all rows which do not already exist.
 boolean bound(int colix)
          INTERNAL: Checks whether the variable represented by the indexed column is bound.
 void clear()
          INTERNAL: Empties the table.
 java.lang.String dump()
 void ensureCapacity(int requirement)
          INTERNAL: Ensures that the table has at least the given size.
 java.lang.Object getColumnDefinition(int ix)
          INTERNAL: Returns definition of column.
 int getIndex(java.lang.Float num)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given float constant in the table.
 int getIndex(java.lang.Integer num)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given integer constant in the table.
 int getIndex(java.lang.Object argument)
          INTERNAL: Returns the column index of the given object in the table.
 int getIndex(java.lang.String str)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given string constant in the table.
 int getIndex(TMObjectIF constant)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given constant in the table.
 int getIndex(Variable var)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given variable in the table.
 QueryContext getQueryContext()
          INTERNAL: Returns the query context.
 int[][] getTranslationSpec(java.lang.Object[] intarguments, QueryMatches extmatches, java.lang.Object[] extarguments)
          INTERNAL: Computes the translation specification array, which gives the connection between this and the other match table.
 int getVariableIndex(java.lang.String varname)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given variable in the table.
 boolean hasLiteralColumns()
          INTERNAL: Checks whether any of the columns are literal columns representing a literal in the query.
 void increaseCapacity()
          INTERNAL: Used to increase the size of the table when full.
 void insertConstants()
          INTERNAL: Inserts the constant values in the constant columns.
 boolean isEmpty()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if there are no matches.
 QueryMatches merge(int[] intspec, QueryMatches extmatches, int[] extspec, int[] equalpairs)
          INTERNAL: Merges this match table (from inside a rule) with another match table (from the calling context), producing a new set of matches (corresponding to the result of the rule, as viewed from the outside).
protected  void remove(QueryMatches matches)
          INTERNAL: Removes the rows which have matching counterparts in the argument.
 QueryMatches removeDuplicates()
 void translate(int[] fromCols, QueryMatches toQM, int[] toCols)
          INTERNAL: Translates matches in this table into corresponding matches in the other.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int initialSize


public int last


public int size


public java.lang.Object[][] data


public java.lang.Object[] columnDefinitions


public int colcount
Constructor Detail


public QueryMatches(java.util.Collection columnDefs,
                    QueryContext context)
INTERNAL: Creates a new matches object with the given column definitions.


public QueryMatches(QueryMatches matches)
INTERNAL: Creates a new (empty) matches object with the same column definitions as the QueryMatches object passed in the parameter.

Method Detail


public int getVariableIndex(java.lang.String varname)
INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given variable in the table.


public int getIndex(TMObjectIF constant)
INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given constant in the table.


public int getIndex(Variable var)
INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given variable in the table.


public int getIndex(java.lang.String str)
INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given string constant in the table.


public int getIndex(java.lang.Integer num)
INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given integer constant in the table.


public int getIndex(java.lang.Float num)
INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given float constant in the table.


public int getIndex(java.lang.Object argument)
INTERNAL: Returns the column index of the given object in the table.


public java.lang.Object getColumnDefinition(int ix)
INTERNAL: Returns definition of column.


public void increaseCapacity()
INTERNAL: Used to increase the size of the table when full.


public void ensureCapacity(int requirement)
INTERNAL: Ensures that the table has at least the given size.


public void clear()
INTERNAL: Empties the table.


public QueryContext getQueryContext()
INTERNAL: Returns the query context.


public boolean hasLiteralColumns()
INTERNAL: Checks whether any of the columns are literal columns representing a literal in the query.


public boolean isEmpty()
INTERNAL: Returns true if there are no matches.


public void insertConstants()
INTERNAL: Inserts the constant values in the constant columns. Uses the information in the column definitions to do this.


public boolean bound(int colix)
INTERNAL: Checks whether the variable represented by the indexed column is bound.


public void add(QueryMatches extra)
INTERNAL: Adds all the matches in the given table to this table. Note that the two tables must have the same layout.


public void add(java.lang.Object[][] newdata,
                int length)
EXPERIMENTAL: Adds input array to this table.


public void add(QueryResultIF extra)
EXPERIMENTAL: Adds QueryResultIF matches to this table.


protected void remove(QueryMatches matches)
INTERNAL: Removes the rows which have matching counterparts in the argument.


protected void addNonRedundant(QueryMatches matches)
INTERNAL: Adds all rows which do not already exist. Matching ignores nulls in the rows being added.


public int[][] getTranslationSpec(java.lang.Object[] intarguments,
                                  QueryMatches extmatches,
                                  java.lang.Object[] extarguments)
                           throws InvalidQueryException
INTERNAL: Computes the translation specification array, which gives the connection between this and the other match table.

intarguments - Actual received parameters in rule invocation.
extarguments - Declared parameters in rule declaration.
an array of type int[][] that looks like [intspec, extspec], where intspec is the specification for this match and extspec is the specification for the other match.


public void translate(int[] fromCols,
                      QueryMatches toQM,
                      int[] toCols)
INTERNAL: Translates matches in this table into corresponding matches in the other.


public QueryMatches merge(int[] intspec,
                          QueryMatches extmatches,
                          int[] extspec,
                          int[] equalpairs)
INTERNAL: Merges this match table (from inside a rule) with another match table (from the calling context), producing a new set of matches (corresponding to the result of the rule, as viewed from the outside).

intspec - Mapping from general column no (?) to column no in this QM object.
extspec - Mapping from general column no (?) to column no in extmatches.
equalpairs - See RulePredicate.getEqualPairs() for explanation. Numbers are argument numbers.


public QueryMatches removeDuplicates()


public java.lang.String dump()

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