Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic

Contains the in-memory implementation of the query language.


Interface Summary
BasicPredicateIF INTERNAL: Represents a predicate in the basic implementation.

Class Summary
AbstractDynamicPredicate INTERNAL: Common code-sharing superclass for dynamic predicates.
AbstractInstanceOfPredicate INTERNAL: Common superclass for the two instance-of predicates.
AbstractQueryProcessor INTERNAL: A collection of utility methods used by classes which need to evaluate queries.
AssociationPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'association' predicate.
AssociationRolePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'association-role' predicate.
BaseLocatorPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'base-locator' predicate.
CoalescePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'coalesce' predicate.
DatatypePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'datatype' predicate.
DirectInstanceOfPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'direct-instance-of' predicate using the indexes.
DynamicAssociationPredicate INTERNAL: Implements association type predicates.
DynamicFailurePredicate INTERNAL: Special predicate used when a topic is used as a predicate but the topic is neither an association type nor an occurrence type.
DynamicOccurrencePredicate INTERNAL: Implements occurrence predicates.
EqualsPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the '=' predicate.
GreaterThanEqualsPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the '>=' predicate.
GreaterThanPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the '>' predicate.
InPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'in(var, e1, ..., eN)' predicate.
InstanceOfPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'instance-of' predicate using the indexes.
ItemIdentifierPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'item-identifier(thing, locator)' predicate.
JavaModule EXPERIMENTAL: A query module that is able to instantiate predicates when given a java class name.
JavaSearcherPredicate EXPERIMENTAL: Java searcher predicate.
LessThanEqualsPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the '<=' predicate.
LessThanPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the '<' predicate.
NamePredicate INTERNAL: The implementation of the 'name(topic, name-string)' predicate.
NotEqualsPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the '/=' predicate.
ObjectIdPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'object(thing, id)' predicate.
OccurrencePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'occurrence' predicate.
ParsedQuery INTERNAL: Class used to represent parsed queries.
PredicateFactory INTERNAL: The basic predicate factory implementation.
PredicateUtils INTERNAL: Shared utilities for the predicate implementations.
QueryContext INTERNAL: Object used to hold the global query execution context; that is, the context beginning with the start of the execution of a query and ending with the completion of its execution.
QueryMatches INTERNAL: Object used to hold query results during computation.
QueryProcessor INTERNAL: This query processor implementation can be used to query any topic map implementation; it makes no assumptions about the stored form of the topic map.
QueryResult INTERNAL: The query result representation used by the basic implementation.
QueryResultWrappers INTERNAL: Collection of QueryResult wrapper classes.
QueryTracer INTERNAL: Used for testing and timing of queries.
ReifiesPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'reifies(reifier, reified)' predicate.
RemoveDuplicatesPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'remove-duplicates()' predicate.
ResourcePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'resource' predicate.
RolePlayerPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'role-player' predicate.
RulePredicate INTERNAL: Implements rule predicates.
ScopePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'scope(scoped, theme)' predicate.
SubjectIdentifierPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'subject-identifier(topic, locator)' predicate.
SubjectLocatorPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'subject-locator(topic, locator)' predicate.
TopicMapPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'topicmap' predicate.
TopicNamePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'topic-name(topic, name)' predicate.
TopicPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'type(typed, type)' predicate.
TypePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'type(typed, type)' predicate.
ValueLikePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'value-like' predicate.
ValuePredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'value' predicate.
VariantPredicate INTERNAL: Implements the 'variant(topicname, variantname)' predicate.

Enum Summary

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic Description

Contains the in-memory implementation of the query language. The only public class is the QueryProcessor class.

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