Uses of Class

Packages that use QName
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser Contains the code that parses tolog queries. 

Uses of QName in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser with parameters of type QName
 TMObjectIF ParseContextIF.getObject(QName qname)
 TMObjectIF LocalParseContext.getObject(QName qname)
 TMObjectIF GlobalParseContext.getObject(QName qname)
 PredicateIF ParseContextIF.getPredicate(QName qname, boolean assoc)
          INTERNAL: Returns the named predicate, or null if it does not exist.
 PredicateIF LocalParseContext.getPredicate(QName qname, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF GlobalParseContext.getPredicate(QName qname, boolean assoc)
 TopicIF ParseContextIF.getTopic(QName qname)
          INTERNAL: Interprets the given prefix and localname as a topic, returning null if none is found.
 TopicIF LocalParseContext.getTopic(QName qname)
 TopicIF GlobalParseContext.getTopic(QName qname)
 LocatorIF ParseContextIF.resolveQName(QName qname)
          INTERNAL: Returns the full locator for the given QName, or reports an error if the prefix is unbound, or if the prefix is bound to something other than a subject identifier namespace (since this is used for the CTM part of tolog INSERT only).
 LocatorIF LocalParseContext.resolveQName(QName qname)
 LocatorIF GlobalParseContext.resolveQName(QName qname)

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