Interface SearcherIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSearcher, HTTPSearcher, LuceneSearcher, RDBMSSearcher

public interface SearcherIF

PUBLIC: Simple searcher interface that one can implement and refer to by name through a java module import declaration.


import "urn:x-java:net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.spi.LuceneSearcher?index=/tmp/indexes/i18n.xtm" as fulltext

Field Summary
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is an item identifier and should be used to look up the corresponding topic map object.
static int OBJECT_ID
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is an object id and should be used to look up the corresponding topic map object.
static int OBJECT_VALUE
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value should be represented as-is (as an object).
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is an external occurrence value identifier and should be used to look up the corresponding occurrence objects.
static int STRING_VALUE
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value should be represented as a string.
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is a subject identifier and should be used to look up the topic that has that subject identifier.
          PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is a subject locator and should be used to look up the topic that has that subject locator.
Method Summary
 SearchResultIF getResult(java.lang.String query)
          PUBLIC: Returns the String value of the field.
 int getValueType()
          PUBLIC: Returns type of values returned by the search result.
 void setModuleURI(java.lang.String moduleURI)
          PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the module URI to the searcher.
 void setParameters(java.util.Map parameters)
          PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the parameters in the module URI to the searcher.
 void setPredicateName(java.lang.String predicateName)
          PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the name of the predicate (the part after the colon in the QName) to the searcher.
 void setTopicMap(TopicMapIF topicmap)
          PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the topic map being queried to the predicate.

Field Detail


static final int STRING_VALUE
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value should be represented as a string.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int OBJECT_VALUE
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value should be represented as-is (as an object).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int OBJECT_ID
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is an object id and should be used to look up the corresponding topic map object.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SUBJECT_LOCATOR
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is a subject locator and should be used to look up the topic that has that subject locator.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is a subject identifier and should be used to look up the topic that has that subject identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ITEM_IDENTIFIER
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is an item identifier and should be used to look up the corresponding topic map object.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int OCCURRENCE_URI
PUBLIC: Value type indicating that the result value is an external occurrence value identifier and should be used to look up the corresponding occurrence objects.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getValueType()
PUBLIC: Returns type of values returned by the search result. See constants declared in this class.


SearchResultIF getResult(java.lang.String query)
PUBLIC: Returns the String value of the field. Note that null is returned if the field has a reader set.


void setModuleURI(java.lang.String moduleURI)
PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the module URI to the searcher. No specific behaviour is required from the searcher.


void setPredicateName(java.lang.String predicateName)
PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the name of the predicate (the part after the colon in the QName) to the searcher. No specific behaviour is required from the searcher.


void setTopicMap(TopicMapIF topicmap)
PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the topic map being queried to the predicate. No specific behaviour is required from the searcher.


void setParameters(java.util.Map parameters)
PUBLIC: Called by the query engine before using the instance to pass the parameters in the module URI to the searcher. The map will contain {"foo" : "bar"} if the URI ends in "?foo=bar". No specific behaviour is required from the searcher.

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