Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.spi

Provides a set of service provider interfaces for adding new predicates to the tolog query language.


Interface Summary
ResultIF EXPERIMENTAL: Interface used by process predicates to add new result rows.
SearcherIF PUBLIC: Simple searcher interface that one can implement and refer to by name through a java module import declaration.
SearchResultIF PUBLIC: Search result interfaced used by implementations of the SearcherIF interface.

Class Summary
AbstractSearcher PUBLIC: Abstract SearcherIF convenience superclass used to get the default implementation of the four set methods.
AbstractSearchResult PUBLIC: Abstract SearchResultIF superclass.
EqualsFilter EXPERIMENTAL: Sample filter implementation that returns true if all arguments are equal.
FilterPredicate EXPERIMENTAL: Base predicate that provides a simple interface for implementing predicate filters.
Hit INTERNAL: Class that holds search hit data.
HTTPSearcher EXPERIMENTAL: HTTP searcher implementation.
JavaPredicate INTERNAL: Abstract predicate class that works as a common superclass for the real predicate classes.
LuceneSearcher EXPERIMENTAL: Lucene searcher implementation.
ProcessPredicate EXPERIMENTAL: Base predicate that provides a simple interface for implementing predicates.
RDBMSSearcher EXPERIMENTAL: RDBMS searcher implementation that executes a SQL query in the same database as the topic map is stored in.

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.spi Description

Provides a set of service provider interfaces for adding new predicates to the tolog query language.

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