Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.utils

This package provides query utility classes.


Interface Summary
RowMapperIF<T> EXPERIMENTAL: Interface to be implemented by row mappers used by the queryForList method on QueryWrapper.

Class Summary
ArrayMap INTERNAL: Immutable Map implementation that stores its keys and values in two arrays.
FlatQueryResultIterator INTERNAL: Iterator which returns each object returned by the query, checking each row against the previous to avoid duplicates.
QueryResultIterator INTERNAL: Iterator that iterates over a QueryResultIF and returns a new immutable Map instance for each query result row.
QueryUtils PUBLIC: Utility methods for getting QueryProcessorIFs for a topic map.
QueryWrapper EXPERIMENTAL: Class a la Spring's JDBC templates to simplify use of the tolog query engine API.
SingleQueryResultIterator INTERNAL: Iterator that iterates over a QueryResultIF and returns an immutable Map instance for each query result row.
TologSpy PUBLIC: Query profiler for tolog.

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.utils Description

This package provides query utility classes.

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