Class OSLSchema

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.impl.osl.OSLSchema
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OSLSchema
extends java.lang.Object
implements SchemaIF

PUBLIC: Represents an entire OSL schema.

Field Summary
protected  LocatorIF address
protected  java.util.Collection assocClasses
protected  java.util.Map rulesets
protected  boolean strict
protected  java.util.Collection topicClasses
protected  java.util.Map topicsById
protected  SchemaValidatorIF validator
Constructor Summary
OSLSchema(LocatorIF address)
          PUBLIC: Creates a new OSL schema object.
Method Summary
 void addAssociationClass(AssociationClass assocClass)
          INTERNAL: Adds an AssociationClass object to the schema.
 void addRuleSet(RuleSet rule)
          INTERNAL: Adds a RuleSet object to the schema.
 void addTopicClass(TopicClass topicClass)
          INTERNAL: Adds a TopicClass object to the schema.
 LocatorIF getAddress()
          PUBLIC: Returns the address of the schema.
 java.util.Collection getAssociationClasses()
          INTERNAL: Returns all the association classes in this schema.
 RuleSet getRuleSet(java.lang.String id)
          INTERNAL: Returns the rule set that has the given ID.
 java.util.Collection getRuleSets()
          INTERNAL: Returns all the rule sets in this schema.
 TopicClass getTopicClass(java.lang.String id)
          INTERNAL: Returns the topic class that has the given ID.
 java.util.Collection getTopicClasses()
          INTERNAL: Returns all the topic classes in this schema.
 SchemaValidatorIF getValidator()
          PUBLIC: Returns a validator object that can be used to validate topic map objects against the schema.
 boolean isStrict()
          INTERNAL: True if the schema uses strict matching, false otherwise.
 void removeAssociationClass(AssociationClass assocClass)
          INTERNAL: Removes the association class from this schema.
 void removeRuleSet(RuleSet rule)
          INTERNAL: Removes the rule set from this schema.
 void removeTopicClass(TopicClass topicClass)
          INTERNAL: Removes the topic class from this schema.
 void setIsStrict(boolean strict)
          INTERNAL: Sets the matching policy of the schema.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected SchemaValidatorIF validator


protected java.util.Collection topicClasses


protected java.util.Collection assocClasses


protected boolean strict


protected java.util.Map rulesets


protected java.util.Map topicsById


protected LocatorIF address
Constructor Detail


public OSLSchema(LocatorIF address)
PUBLIC: Creates a new OSL schema object.

address - The base address of the schema.
Method Detail


public SchemaValidatorIF getValidator()
Description copied from interface: SchemaIF
PUBLIC: Returns a validator object that can be used to validate topic map objects against the schema.

Specified by:
getValidator in interface SchemaIF


public LocatorIF getAddress()
Description copied from interface: SchemaIF
PUBLIC: Returns the address of the schema. The address may be null.

Specified by:
getAddress in interface SchemaIF


public void addRuleSet(RuleSet rule)
INTERNAL: Adds a RuleSet object to the schema.


public void addTopicClass(TopicClass topicClass)
INTERNAL: Adds a TopicClass object to the schema.


public void addAssociationClass(AssociationClass assocClass)
INTERNAL: Adds an AssociationClass object to the schema.


public java.util.Collection getRuleSets()
INTERNAL: Returns all the rule sets in this schema.


public java.util.Collection getTopicClasses()
INTERNAL: Returns all the topic classes in this schema.


public java.util.Collection getAssociationClasses()
INTERNAL: Returns all the association classes in this schema.


public void removeRuleSet(RuleSet rule)
INTERNAL: Removes the rule set from this schema. If the schema does not have the rule set the call is ignored.


public void removeTopicClass(TopicClass topicClass)
INTERNAL: Removes the topic class from this schema. If the schema does not have the topic class the call is ignored.


public void removeAssociationClass(AssociationClass assocClass)
INTERNAL: Removes the association class from this schema. If the schema does not have the association class the call is ignored.


public TopicClass getTopicClass(java.lang.String id)
INTERNAL: Returns the topic class that has the given ID. If no topic class has this ID, null is returned.


public RuleSet getRuleSet(java.lang.String id)
INTERNAL: Returns the rule set that has the given ID. If no rule set has this ID, null is returned.


public boolean isStrict()
INTERNAL: True if the schema uses strict matching, false otherwise.


public void setIsStrict(boolean strict)
INTERNAL: Sets the matching policy of the schema.

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