Class TopicCharacteristicGrabbers

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.TopicCharacteristicGrabbers

public class TopicCharacteristicGrabbers
extends java.lang.Object

INTERNAL: A convenience class for creating grabbers that grab specific topic characteristics, using various criteria, including scope.


Method Summary
static GrabberIF getDisplayNameGrabber()
          INTERNAL: Returns a grabber that will grab the name most suitable for display from a topic.
static GrabberIF getSortNameGrabber()
          INTERNAL: Returns a grabber that will grab the name most suitable for sorting from a topic.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static GrabberIF getDisplayNameGrabber()
INTERNAL: Returns a grabber that will grab the name most suitable for display from a topic. If the topic has a display name that name will be chosen. If not, the base name in the least constrained scope will be chosen.

A TopicNameIF or VariantNameIF object; null if the topic has no base names.


public static GrabberIF getSortNameGrabber()
INTERNAL: Returns a grabber that will grab the name most suitable for sorting from a topic. If the topic has a sort name that name will be chosen. If not, the base name in the least constrained scope will be chosen.

A TopicNameIF or VariantNameIF object; null if the topic has no base names.

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