Interface Summary | |
AssociationWalkerListenerIF | PUBLIC: This interface defines a listener to the AssociationWalker. |
Class Summary | |
ApplicableInContextDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that decides whether the ScopedIF's scope is applicable in the user context. |
AssociationBuilder | PUBLIC: A helper class that makes it easier to build associations. |
AssociationWalker | PUBLIC: Computes the transitive closure of a relation characterized by two specific roles within a specific association type. |
BaseNameComparator | Deprecated. Use TopicNameComparator instead. |
BaseNameGrabber | Deprecated. use TopicNameGrabber instead. |
CharacteristicUtils | INTERNAL: Characteristic processing utilities. |
ClassInstanceUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for working with class-instance relationships. |
CopyUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for copying topic map data. |
DisplayNameGrabber | Deprecated. Since 1.1. |
DuplicateSuppressionUtils | PUBLIC: A helper class that can remove duplicate objects from a topic map. |
IdentityUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for working with identities of topic map objects. |
ImportExportUtils | PUBLIC: Utilities for importing and exporting topic maps. |
IntersectionOfContextDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that decides whether the ScopedIF's scope is an intersection of the user context or not. |
KeyGenerator | PUBLIC: Utilities for generating keys from complex topic map objects. |
MergeReference | INTERNAL: A topic map reference that uses a TopicMapRepositoryIF to retrieve a list of topic maps and create a new merged topic map from them. |
MergeUtils | PUBLIC: Utilities for merging topics and topic maps. |
NameGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most suitable name from a topic, measured by whether it contains a particular theme in its scope. |
NameStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that stringifies TopicNameIFs and VariantNameIFs by calling their getValue() method. |
NoFollowTopicRefExternalReferenceHandler | PUBLIC: An implementation of ExternalReferenceHandlerIF that prevents the traversal of external topic references. |
NullResolvingExternalReferenceHandler | PUBLIC: An implementation of ExternalReferenceHandlerIF that prevents the traversal of external references by returning null from all methods. |
ObjectIdComparator | INTERNAL: Comparator that compares object ids of TMObjectIF objects. |
ObjectIdGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the object id of the TMObjectIF given to it. |
ObjectIdStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that returns the object id of a topic map object. |
ObjectTopicIdStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that returns the object id of the topic that belongs to this tmobject. |
PSI | INTERNAL: This class collects core PSIs in a single place as a convenience for topic map developers. |
QNameLookup | PUBLIC: A utility class for producing full URIs from QNames. |
QNameRegistry | PUBLIC: A utility class for producing full URIs from QNames. |
RolePlayerGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the topic that plays the role in the association role. |
RolesGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the association roles of an association. |
SameStoreFactory | PUBLIC: A store factory that always returns the store given to it via its constructor. |
ScopedIFComparator | INTERNAL: Comparator that compares ScopedIF objects based on their applicability in the specified scope. |
ScopeUtils | INTERNAL: Scope processing utilities. |
SubjectIdentityDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that decides whether the object is an instance of a topic with the given subject identifier. |
SubsetOfContextDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that decides whether the ScopedIF's scope is a subset of the user context or not. |
SupersetOfContextDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that decides whether the ScopedIF's scope is a superset of the user context or not. |
TMDeciderUtils | INTERNAL: Utility class for creating topic map-based deciders. |
TopicCharacteristicGrabbers | INTERNAL: A convenience class for creating grabbers that grab specific topic characteristics, using various criteria, including scope. |
TopicComparators | INTERNAL: A collection of topic related comparators. |
TopicComparators.CaseInsensitiveStringifierComparator | INTERNAL: Case in-sensitive string comparator that is able to handle null values. |
TopicMapSynchronizer | PUBLIC: Implementation of the TMSync algorithm. |
TopicNameComparator | INTERNAL: Comparator that first sorts by type then by scope, where untyped base names are ordered before typed ones. |
TopicNameGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most appropriate basename from a topic. |
TopicStringifiers | PUBLIC: Creates stringifiers that extract strings representing names from topics, according to various criteria, including scope. |
TopicStringifiers.FastSortNameStringifier | |
TopicTreeBuilder | EXPERIMENTAL. |
TopicTreeNode | EXPERIMENTAL. |
TopicTreeRendrer | EXPERIMENTAL. |
TopicVariantNameGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most highest ranked variant name by scope from a topic, ignoring the scope of the base names. |
TypedIFComparator | INTERNAL: Comparator that grabs the type of the comparable objects using TypedIF.getType() , and passes those two topics to it's subcomparator. |
TypedIFGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the type property of the TypedIF object given to it. |
TypedIFStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that generates a string representation of the type property of the object given to it. |
TypeHierarchyUtils | INTERNAL: This class provides utility functions for traversing class hierarchies which are expressed using the Published Subject Indicators (PSIs) defined by the XTM 1.0 Specification. |
UnconstrainedScopeDecider | INTERNAL: This decider accepts all objects in the unconstrained scope, letting a sub-decider rule for object not in the unconstrained scope. |
VariantNameGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most highest ranked variant name by scope from a basename. |
This package provides topic map utility classes, which are a toolkit for working with the topic map model provided by the core interfaces. Note that these are supplementary to the core interfaces, and more likely to change in the future.
Note: In the doc comments, "iff" means "if and only if".
The "experimental" utilities are not (yet) fully doc-commented.
they provide simple interfaces to scope comparison logic on individual
scoped objects, implemented in ScopeUtils. ScopeUtils makes use of methods
provided by ScopedIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.core
, and also provides
methods for ranking and filtering collections of scoped objects by scope.