Class SubjectIdentityDecider

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.SubjectIdentityDecider
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SubjectIdentityDecider
extends java.lang.Object
implements DeciderIF

INTERNAL: Decider that decides whether the object is an instance of a topic with the given subject identifier.

The decider returns true when the object has the given subject identifier, or it is an instance of a topic with the given subject identifier.

Field Summary
protected  LocatorIF subject_identifier
          PROTECTED: the given subject identifier.
Constructor Summary
SubjectIdentityDecider(LocatorIF subject_identifier)
          INTERNAL: Creates a decider which uses the given subject identifier.
Method Summary
 boolean ok(java.lang.Object object)
          INTERNAL: Decides whether an object (directly or indirectly) has a given subject identifier.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected LocatorIF subject_identifier
PROTECTED: the given subject identifier.

Constructor Detail


public SubjectIdentityDecider(LocatorIF subject_identifier)
INTERNAL: Creates a decider which uses the given subject identifier.

subject_identifier - locatorIF which is the given subject identifier
Method Detail


public boolean ok(java.lang.Object object)
INTERNAL: Decides whether an object (directly or indirectly) has a given subject identifier.

Specified by:
ok in interface DeciderIF
object - an object which must be a TypedIF or TopicIF
boolean; true iff the given object has the given subject identifier (directly or indirectly)

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