Class TopicMapSynchronizer

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.TopicMapSynchronizer

public class TopicMapSynchronizer
extends java.lang.Object

PUBLIC: Implementation of the TMSync algorithm.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void update(TopicMapIF target, java.lang.String ttopicq, DeciderIF tchard, TopicMapIF source, java.lang.String stopicq, DeciderIF schard)
          PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map from the source topic map, synchronizing the selected topics in the target (ttopicq) with the selected topics in the source (stopicq) using the deciders to filter topic characteristics to synchronize.
static void update(TopicMapIF target, TopicIF source)
          PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map against the source topic, including all characteristics from the source topic.
static void update(TopicMapIF target, TopicIF source, DeciderIF tfilter)
          PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map against the source topic, synchronizing only the characteristics from the target that are accepted by the filter.
static void update(TopicMapIF target, TopicIF source, DeciderIF tfilter, DeciderIF sfilter)
          PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map against the source topic, synchronizing only the characteristics from the target and source that are accepted by the filters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TopicMapSynchronizer()
Method Detail


public static void update(TopicMapIF target,
                          TopicIF source)
PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map against the source topic, including all characteristics from the source topic.


public static void update(TopicMapIF target,
                          TopicIF source,
                          DeciderIF tfilter)
PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map against the source topic, synchronizing only the characteristics from the target that are accepted by the filter.


public static void update(TopicMapIF target,
                          TopicIF source,
                          DeciderIF tfilter,
                          DeciderIF sfilter)
PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map against the source topic, synchronizing only the characteristics from the target and source that are accepted by the filters.

target - the topic map to update
source - the topic to get updates from
tfilter - filter for the target characteristics to update
sfilter - filter for the source characteristics to include


public static void update(TopicMapIF target,
                          java.lang.String ttopicq,
                          DeciderIF tchard,
                          TopicMapIF source,
                          java.lang.String stopicq,
                          DeciderIF schard)
                   throws InvalidQueryException
PUBLIC: Updates the target topic map from the source topic map, synchronizing the selected topics in the target (ttopicq) with the selected topics in the source (stopicq) using the deciders to filter topic characteristics to synchronize.

target - the topic map to update
ttopicq - tolog query selecting the target topics to update
tchard - filter for the target characteristics to update
source - the source topic map
stopicq - tolog query selecting the source topics to use
schard - filter for the source characteristics to update

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