Interface Summary | |
CachedIF | INTERNAL: Interface that objects containing cached information should implement. |
ClearableIF | INTERNAL: A marker interface implemented by objects which can be cleared. |
ClosureIF | INTERNAL: Interface to represent some closure, a block of code which is executed from inside some block, function or iteration which operates on an input object. |
CmdlineOptions.ListenerIF | INTERNAL: A listener interface that must be implemented by object that are interested in options found by the CmdlineOptions instance. |
CollectionFactoryIF | INTERNAL: Factory that creates collection objects. |
DeciderIF<T> | PUBLIC: Interface for classes that decides whether an object is acceptable or not. |
FilterIF<T> | INTERNAL: Filters the objects in an iterator. |
GrabberIF<O,G> | INTERNAL: Grabs an object from another object. |
LookupIndexIF<K,E> | INTERNAL: An interface implemented by objects which can be used to look up information, but which can do no more. |
PoolableSetFactoryIF | INTERNAL: Factory interface used by SetPoolIF to create new PoolableSetIF instances. |
PoolableSetIF | INTERNAL: Interface implemented by sets that can be pooled by a SetPoolIF. |
ResourcesDirectoryReader.ResourcesFilterIF | |
SetPoolIF | INTERNAL: Interface implemented by all set pools. |
StringifierIF | PUBLIC: Stringifies objects. |
Class Summary | |
AndDecider<T> | INTERNAL: Decider that checks all subdeciders and returns true if all of them gives a positive decision. |
ArrayUtils | INTERNAL: Class that contains useful array methods. |
CachedDecider<T> | INTERNAL: Decider that maintains a cache of decisions made on a set of objects. |
CachedGrabber<O,G> | INTERNAL: Grabber that maintains a cache of previously grabbed objects. |
CachedIndex<K,E> | INTERNAL: A LookupIndexIF which uses another, slower, LookupIndexIF as a fallback and caches the values attached to the most commonly requested keys using an LRU strategy. |
CachedStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that maintains a cache of previously stringified objects. |
CacheManager | INTERNAL: A manager class that manages cached objects. |
ChainedIndex<K,E> | INTERNAL: A lookup index that delegates LookupIndexIF calls to chains of LookupIndexIFs. |
CharacterSet | INTERNAL: Represents a set of Unicode characters, and provides a method to quickly determine whether or not a particular character is in the set. |
CmdlineOptions | INTERNAL: A class that parses command line options. |
CmdlineUtils | INTERNAL: Class that contains useful stuff for command line utilities. |
CollectionCollection<T> | INTERNAL: A collection that works as a facade for multiple collections. |
CollectionFactory | INTERNAL: A collection factory that returns non-synchronized standard java.util collection objects. |
CollectionMap<K,V> | INTERNAL: A map which stores entries containing Collection values. |
CollectionSortedMap<K,V> | INTERNAL: A sorted map which stores entries containing Collection values. |
CollectionStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that stringifies collections. |
CollectionUtils | INTERNAL: Class that contains useful collection methods. |
CompactHashMap<K,V> | |
CompactHashSet<E> | INTERNAL: Implements the Set interface more compactly than java.util.HashSet by using a closed hashtable. |
CompactIdentityHashSet<E> | INTERNAL: This class is a specialization of the CompactHashSet class, and uses the == operator to compare objects. |
ContainmentDecider<T> | INTERNAL: Decider that returns true if the object is contained in the referenced collection. |
DebugUtils | INTERNAL: Useful debugging methods. |
DeciderFilter<T> | INTERNAL: Filter that filters a collection using a decider. |
DeciderIterator<T> | INTERNAL: An iterator that uses a decider to filter the elements of another iterator. |
DeciderUtils | INTERNAL: Utility methods for creating various kinds of useful deciders. |
DefaultStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifier that calls the toString method on the object. |
EmptyEnumerator | INTERNAL: Implements an Enumeration that contains nothing. |
EncryptedInputStream | INTERNAL: Input stream for reading in a encrypted input stream (for example from a file) and giving back the decrypted values. |
EncryptedOutputStream | INTERNAL: Output stream for reading in a encrypted input stream (for example from a file) and giving back the decrypted values. |
EncryptionUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for encrypting files. |
EnumerationIterator<E> | INTERNAL: A wrapper class for traversing enumerations as iterators. |
EqualsDecider<T> | INTERNAL: Decider whether the reference object is equal the given object. |
FileUtils | INTERNAL: Class that contains useful file operation methods. |
FileWatchdog | INTERNAL: Check every now and then that a certain file has not changed. |
GrabberCollection<O,G> | INTERNAL: A collection that uses a grabber to populate itself by grabbing the individual objects of the nested collection. |
GrabberComparator<T,G> | INTERNAL: Comparator that compares grabbed objects using a comparator. |
GrabberDecider<T,G> | INTERNAL: Decider that grabs an object and passes it to the subdecider. |
GrabberGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that makes the second grabber grab what the first grabber grabs and so on. |
GrabberIterator<O,G> | INTERNAL: An iterator that uses a grabber to grab object from another iterator. |
GrabberMap<O,KG,VG> | INTERNAL: An implementation of Map that uses a key grabber and a value grabber to extract its content. |
GrabberStringifier | INTERNAL: Stringifies the object that the grabber grabs. |
HashMapIndex<K,E> | INTERNAL: A lookup index that extends HashMap. |
HistoryMap<T> | INTERNAL: Helper class for storing elements up to a certain amount, lower most elements will be removed to ensure a fixed size of the collection. |
IteratorCollection<T> | INTERNAL: A wrapper class for presenting a collection view on iterators. |
IteratorComparator<T> | INTERNAL: Comparator for Iterators. |
IteratorIterator<T> | INTERNAL: An iterator that works as a facade for multiple iterators. |
LexicalComparator | INTERNAL: Comparator that performs a lexical comparison. |
LowerCaseGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that lowercases the String object given to it. |
MapIndex | INTERNAL: A non-synchronized lookup index adapter for Map instances. |
MapWrapper | INTERNAL: Abstract Map implementation that delegates all its method calls to the other map instance. |
NotDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that negates the decision of the nested decider. |
NullObject | INTERNAL: A singleton null object for use where null cannot be used, and an object is required. |
ObjectUtils | INTERNAL: Class that contains useful methods. |
OrDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that checks all subdeciders and returns true of one of them gives a positive decision. |
PoolableSet | INTERNAL: The default PoolableSet implementation. |
PropertyUtils | INTERNAL: Utility class for handling properties and their values. |
QueryProfiler | INTERNAL: Statistics collector for profiling queries, whether tolog or SQL. |
ReaderInputStream | INTERNAL: An InputStream stream that turns a Reader into an InputStream given an encoding. |
ResourcesDirectoryReader | |
RingBuffer | INTERNAL: Utility for storing objects in a ring buffer. |
SameGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the object given to it, i.e. |
SetPool | INTERNAL: The default SetPool implementation. |
SimpleFileFilter | INTERNAL: Description: a simple file filter |
SoftHashMap | INTERNAL: A Map implementation that uses SoftReferences to reference keys. |
SoftHashMapIndex<K,E> | INTERNAL: A lookup index implementation that uses soft references for the keys, in order to allow them to be garbage-collected. |
SoftHashMapIndex.SoftEntry<K,E> | |
SoftValueHashMapIndex | INTERNAL: A lookup index implementation that uses soft references for the values, in order to allow them to be garbage-collected. |
SoftValueHashMapIndex.SoftEntry | |
StreamUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for working with streams and readers. |
Stringified | INTERNAL: Utility class that wraps an object and a stringifier for use with the Object.toString() method. |
StringifierComparator | INTERNAL: Comparator that stringifies the arguments and compares them using another comparator. |
StringifierDecider | INTERNAL: Decider that stringifies an object and passes it to the subdecider. |
StringifierGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs a stringified version of the object given to it. |
StringTemplateUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for processing string templates containing %param% references. |
StringUtils | INTERNAL: Class that contains useful string operation methods. |
SubstringGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs a substring from the String object given to it. |
SynchronizedCollectionFactory | INTERNAL: A collection factory that returns synchronized standard java.util collection objects. |
SynchronizedCompactHashSet<E> | INTERNAL: Extends CompactHashSet to make it synchronized. |
SynchronizedLookupIndex | INTERNAL: Synchronized wrapper class for LookupIndexIF instances. |
TestFileUtils | |
TimeMeasureUtils | INTERNAL: Helper class for providing some more convenience for time measurement. |
TimeSamples | INTERNAL: Store a set a time samples for easier calculation of minimum, maximum and average times. |
TraceUtils | INTERNAL: Useful tracing methods. |
UniqueSet<E> | INTERNAL: |
UpperCaseGrabber | INTERNAL: Grabber that uppercases the String object given to it. |
URIUtils | INTERNAL: Utilities for working with URIs. |
URLChecker | INTERNAL: Tries to establish a connection to URL and check whether it could be retrieved or is not reachable. |
WeakHashMapIndex | INTERNAL: A lookup index that extends WeakHashMap. |
Exception Summary | |
CmdlineOptions.OptionsException | INTERNAL: An exception that is thrown when there are problems with the options specified on the command line. |
OntopiaException | PUBLIC: An exception class that can be used to wrap other exceptions with. |
OntopiaLicenseException | INTERNAL: An exception class that is thrown when licence related issues occur. |
OntopiaRuntimeException | PUBLIC: A runtime exception class that can be used to wrap other exceptions with. |
OntopiaUnsupportedException | INTERNAL: Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported. |
Contains utility classes and generic interfaces. The classes and interfaces in this package are very general and independent from other packages.