Package net.ontopia.utils.ontojsp

Interface Summary
JSPTagFactoryIF INTERNAL: An interface for a custom JSP tag generating factory.
JSPTreeNodeIF INTERNAL: Interface for classes which implement the Ontopia JSPTreeNodeIF.

Class Summary
DefaultJspWriter Fake the JspWriter, needed for execution of a JSP.
FakeBodyContent INTERNAL: Fake body content for use with the ontopia fake jsp environment.
FakeHttpSession INTERNAL: Fake the ServletContext, needed for execution of servlets
FakePageContext INTERNAL: Fake the PageContext, needed for execution of a JSP.
FakeServletContext INTERNAL: Fake the ServletContext, needed for execution of servlets.
FakeServletRequest Fake the ServletRequest, needed for execution of a servlet/JSP.
FakeServletResponse INTERNAL: Fake the ServletResponse, needed for execution of a servlet/JSP.
HttpRequestWrapper INTERNAL: Wrapper class for HttpServletRequest; needed because Tomcat does not let us use the standard one.
JSPContentHandler INTERNAL: A Content Handler that reads a JSP file and builds a JSP tree of JSPTreeNodeIF objects from a XML instance.
JSPContentTreeNode INTERNAL: The Ontopia JSPTreeNode class.
JSPPageExecuter INTERNAL: A class that executes a jsp page from a given root node.
JSPPageReader INTERNAL: Class that reads a jsp file and builds a JSPTree from it.
JSPTreeNode INTERNAL: Tree node representing a JSP tag.
TaglibTagFactory INTERNAL: A TaglibTagFactory that creates the correct tags from the net.ontopia.nav2.taglibs packages.

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