Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.ctm

Provides support for the ISO-standardized textual Compact Topic Maps syntax (or CTM) format for topic maps.


Interface Summary
ParseEventHandlerIF INTERNAL: Interface implemented by event handlers which build the actual topic map, based on events received by the parser.
ParseEventIF INTERNAL: Represents a stored parse event, ready to be replayed.
ValueGeneratorIF Common interface for generating both literal values and topics.

Class Summary
AbstractTopicGenerator Abstract topic generator.
BuilderEventHandler INTERNAL: The event handler which actually builds the topic map.
CTMEncodingSniffer INTERNAL: An encoding sniffer for CTM.
CTMLexer A CTM lexer, to be used with the Antlr-generated parser.
CTMParser INTERNAL: Parser for the CTM syntax.
CTMPathTopicMapSource INTERNAL: Source that locates CTM topic map files in a directory on the file system.
CTMTopicMapReader PUBLIC: This TopicMapReader can read topic maps from the ISO-standard CTM syntax.
CTMTopicMapReference INTERNAL: An CTM file topic map reference.
IRIAsArgumentGenerator INTERNAL: A special generator that's used when an IRI is passed as an argument to a template because this can be either a topic reference or an IRI literal, and we don't know which.
ParseFrame INTERNAL: Carrier for variables used during parsing to keep track of context such as current topic, current topic name, current statement (scoped/reifiable) etc.
Template INTERNAL: Represents a CTM template.
TemplateEventHandler INTERNAL: An event handler which produces a template object, containing recorded events ready to be replayed when the template is invoked.
ValueGenerator Simple generator storing values to be generated.

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.ctm Description

Provides support for the ISO-standardized textual Compact Topic Maps syntax (or CTM) format for topic maps. Using this format it is possible to quickly and easily write topic maps in a text editor. This package consists of a TopicMapReaderIF implementation, which can import CTM files into the object model. For more information, see the CTM home page.

Note that quite a few of the classes in this package are generated automatically by the ANTLR compiler construction tool. The ones that are meant to be used outside this package are marked with PUBLIC.

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