Class FederatedTopicIndex

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.tmrap.FederatedTopicIndex
All Implemented Interfaces:
IndexIF, TopicIndexIF

public class FederatedTopicIndex
extends java.lang.Object
implements TopicIndexIF

EXPERIMENTAL: An implementation that looks up topics in all the given TopicIndexIFs and returns them.

Field Summary
protected  java.util.List indexes
Constructor Summary
FederatedTopicIndex(java.util.List indexes)
Method Summary
 void close()
          Lets go of any underlying resources used by the index.
 java.util.Collection getTopicPages(java.util.Collection indicators, java.util.Collection sources, java.util.Collection subjects)
          Returns all known topic pages for the topics whose identity matches one of the locators passed as arguments.
 TopicPages getTopicPages2(java.util.Collection indicators, java.util.Collection sources, java.util.Collection subjects)
          Returns all known topic pages for the topics whose identity matches one of the locators passed as arguments.
 java.util.Collection getTopics(java.util.Collection indicators, java.util.Collection sources, java.util.Collection subjects)
          Returns all topics the index knows about whose identity matches one the of the locators passed as arguments.
 java.util.Collection loadRelatedTopics(java.util.Collection indicators, java.util.Collection sources, java.util.Collection subjects, boolean two_step)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.List indexes
Constructor Detail


public FederatedTopicIndex(java.util.List indexes)
Method Detail


public java.util.Collection getTopics(java.util.Collection indicators,
                                      java.util.Collection sources,
                                      java.util.Collection subjects)
Description copied from interface: TopicIndexIF
Returns all topics the index knows about whose identity matches one the of the locators passed as arguments.

Specified by:
getTopics in interface TopicIndexIF
indicators - A collection of subject identifiers as LocatorIF objects.
sources - A collection of source locators as LocatorIF objects.
subjects - A colleciton of subject locators as LocatorIF objects.
Collection of TopicIF


public java.util.Collection loadRelatedTopics(java.util.Collection indicators,
                                              java.util.Collection sources,
                                              java.util.Collection subjects,
                                              boolean two_step)
Specified by:
loadRelatedTopics in interface TopicIndexIF


public java.util.Collection getTopicPages(java.util.Collection indicators,
                                          java.util.Collection sources,
                                          java.util.Collection subjects)
Description copied from interface: TopicIndexIF
Returns all known topic pages for the topics whose identity matches one of the locators passed as arguments.

Specified by:
getTopicPages in interface TopicIndexIF
indicators - A collection of subject identifiers as LocatorIF objects.
sources - A collection of source locators as LocatorIF objects.
subjects - A colleciton of subject locators as LocatorIF objects.
Collection of TopicPage


public TopicPages getTopicPages2(java.util.Collection indicators,
                                 java.util.Collection sources,
                                 java.util.Collection subjects)
Description copied from interface: TopicIndexIF
Returns all known topic pages for the topics whose identity matches one of the locators passed as arguments.

Specified by:
getTopicPages2 in interface TopicIndexIF
indicators - A collection of subject identifiers as LocatorIF objects.
sources - A collection of source locators as LocatorIF objects.
subjects - A colleciton of subject locators as LocatorIF objects.
Collection of TopicPage


public void close()
Description copied from interface: TopicIndexIF
Lets go of any underlying resources used by the index. Must be called when used with the RDBMS backend.

Specified by:
close in interface TopicIndexIF

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