Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.tmrap

Interface Summary
TopicIndexIF EXPERIMENTAL: An index through which information about topics with a particular subject can be located, irrespective of where these topics happen to be stored.

Class Summary
FederatedTopicIndex EXPERIMENTAL: An implementation that looks up topics in all the given TopicIndexIFs and returns them.
RAPServlet EXPERIMENTAL: Implements the TMRAP protocol.
RegistryTopicIndex EXPERIMENTAL: An implementation that looks up topics in all currently open topic maps in the given registry.
RemoteTopicIndex EXPERIMENTAL: An implementation that looks up topics on remote servers using the TM RAP protocol.
RemoteXMLReaderFactory INTERNAL: PRIVATE: Purpose: An implementation of the XMLReaderFactoryIF interface where the XML reader is reused instead of being created each time.
TMRAPConfiguration INTERNAL: Used to hold the TMRAP configuration settings.
TMRAPImplementation PRIVATE: A generic implementation of the TMRAP protocol, independent of any particular way of invoking the services.
TopicMapTopicIndex EXPERIMENTAL: An implementation that looks up topics in all the given topic map.
TopicPage EXPERIMENTAL: Represents a topic page (that is, the primary page for a topic in a web interface to a topic map).

Exception Summary
TMRAPException INTERNAL: Thrown to show that there was an error at the TMRAP level.

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