Interface ExternalReferenceHandlerIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
NoFollowTopicRefExternalReferenceHandler, NullResolvingExternalReferenceHandler

public interface ExternalReferenceHandlerIF

PUBLIC: An interface that can be implemented by handlers that would like to intercept external references in topic map documents.

Method Summary
 LocatorIF externalTopic(LocatorIF address)
          PUBLIC: Receive notification of a reference to an external topic.
 LocatorIF externalTopicMap(LocatorIF address)
          PUBLIC: Receive notification of a reference to an external topic map.

Method Detail


LocatorIF externalTopicMap(LocatorIF address)
PUBLIC: Receive notification of a reference to an external topic map.

The locator which should be used to resolve the reference; if null is returned it will be interpreted as that the reference should not be traversed.


LocatorIF externalTopic(LocatorIF address)
PUBLIC: Receive notification of a reference to an external topic.

The locator which should be used to resolve the reference; if null is returned it will be interpreted as that the reference should not be traversed.

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