Uses of Interface

Packages that use PoolableSetIF
net.ontopia.utils Contains utility classes and generic interfaces. 

Uses of PoolableSetIF in net.ontopia.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.utils that implement PoolableSetIF
 class PoolableSet
          INTERNAL: The default PoolableSet implementation.

Methods in net.ontopia.utils that return PoolableSetIF
 PoolableSetIF SetPool.createSet()
 PoolableSetIF PoolableSetFactoryIF.createSet()
          INTERNAL: Returns a new empty poolable set.
 PoolableSetIF SetPool.createSet(java.util.Set set)
 PoolableSetIF PoolableSetFactoryIF.createSet(java.util.Set set)
          INTERNAL: Returns a new poolable set that contains the given elements.
 PoolableSetIF SetPool.createSetAdd(java.util.Set set, java.lang.Object o)
 PoolableSetIF PoolableSetFactoryIF.createSetAdd(java.util.Set set, java.lang.Object o)
          INTERNAL: Returns a new poolable set that contains the given elements plus the single object.
 PoolableSetIF SetPool.createSetRemove(java.util.Set set, java.lang.Object o)
 PoolableSetIF PoolableSetFactoryIF.createSetRemove(java.util.Set set, java.lang.Object o)
          INTERNAL: Returns a new poolable set that contains the given elements minus the single object.

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