Class AbstractXMLFormatReader

  extended by net.ontopia.xml.AbstractXMLFormatReader
Direct Known Subclasses:
OSLSchemaReader, TMXMLReader, XFMLTopicMapReader, XTMTopicMapReader

public abstract class AbstractXMLFormatReader
extends java.lang.Object

INTERNAL: A common base class for Reader implementations that can read XML-based syntaxes.


Field Summary
protected  LocatorIF base_address
protected  org.xml.sax.InputSource source
protected  XMLReaderFactoryIF xrfactory
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  void configureXMLReaderFactory(ConfiguredXMLReaderFactory cxrfactory)
 LocatorIF getBaseAddress()
          INTERNAL: Gets the top level base address of the input source.
 org.xml.sax.InputSource getInputSource()
          INTERNAL: Gets the SAX input source used by the reader.
 XMLReaderFactoryIF getXMLReaderFactory()
          INTERNAL: Gets the XMLReaderFactoryIF that will be used to create XML parser objects inside the reader.
 void setBaseAddress(LocatorIF base_address)
          INTERNAL: Sets the top level base address of the input source.
 void setInputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource source)
          INTERNAL: Sets the SAX input source used by the reader.
 void setXMLReaderFactory(XMLReaderFactoryIF xrfactory)
          INTERNAL: Sets the XMLReaderFactoryIF that will be used to create XML parser objects inside the reader.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected org.xml.sax.InputSource source


protected LocatorIF base_address


protected XMLReaderFactoryIF xrfactory
Constructor Detail


public AbstractXMLFormatReader()
Method Detail


public org.xml.sax.InputSource getInputSource()
INTERNAL: Gets the SAX input source used by the reader.


public void setInputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource source)
INTERNAL: Sets the SAX input source used by the reader.


public LocatorIF getBaseAddress()
INTERNAL: Gets the top level base address of the input source.


public void setBaseAddress(LocatorIF base_address)
INTERNAL: Sets the top level base address of the input source.

The top level base address is used to resolve relative addresses during input source processing. The top level base address can be overriden by xml:base constructs in the input source. This property need not be set if the input source specifies the base address.


public XMLReaderFactoryIF getXMLReaderFactory()
INTERNAL: Gets the XMLReaderFactoryIF that will be used to create XML parser objects inside the reader.


public void setXMLReaderFactory(XMLReaderFactoryIF xrfactory)
INTERNAL: Sets the XMLReaderFactoryIF that will be used to create XML parser objects inside the reader.

Default: ConfiguredXMLReaderFactory using an IgnoreTopicMapDTDEntityResolver entity resolver.

The factory is free to configure the XML reader object as it sees fit, but the reader will use its own internal content handler.


protected abstract void configureXMLReaderFactory(ConfiguredXMLReaderFactory cxrfactory)

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