Uses of Class

Packages that use RoleType

Uses of RoleType in ontopoly.components

Constructor parameters in ontopoly.components with type arguments of type RoleType
AssociationTransformerPanel(java.lang.String id, AssociationType associationType, java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypes)

Uses of RoleType in ontopoly.model

Methods in ontopoly.model that return RoleType
 RoleType TopicMap.createRoleType(java.lang.String name)
 RoleType RoleField.getRoleType()
          Gets the role type.

Methods in ontopoly.model that return types with arguments of type RoleType
 java.util.List<RoleType> AssociationType.getDeclaredRoleTypes()
          Returns all role types that have been declared for this association type.
 java.util.Collection<java.util.List<RoleType>> AssociationType.getUsedRoleTypeCombinations()
          Returns a collection of lists that contain the role type combinations that have been used in actual associations.

Method parameters in ontopoly.model with type arguments of type RoleType
 void AssociationType.transformInstances(java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesFrom, java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesTo)
          Transforms associations from the role types of the given form to the new one as given.
 void AssociationType.transformInstances(java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesFrom, java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesTo)
          Transforms associations from the role types of the given form to the new one as given.

Constructors in ontopoly.model with parameters of type RoleType
RoleField(TopicIF topic, TopicMap tm, RoleType roleType, AssociationField associationField)

Uses of RoleType in ontopoly.models

Methods in ontopoly.models that return RoleType
 RoleType RoleTypeModel.getRoleType()
protected  RoleType RoleTypeModel.load()

Constructors in ontopoly.models with parameters of type RoleType
RoleTypeModel(RoleType roleType)

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