Class AssociationType

  extended by ontopoly.model.Topic
      extended by ontopoly.model.AbstractTypingTopic
          extended by ontopoly.model.AssociationType

public class AssociationType
extends AbstractTypingTopic

Represents an association type.

Constructor Summary
AssociationType(TopicIF currTopic, TopicMap tm)
          Creates a new AssociationType object.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
 java.util.Collection<RoleField> getDeclaredByFields()
          Returns the field definitions that are declared for this typing topic.
 java.util.List<RoleType> getDeclaredRoleTypes()
          Returns all role types that have been declared for this association type.
 LocatorIF getLocatorIF()
          Gets the LocatorIF for this typing topic.
 java.util.Collection<java.util.List<RoleType>> getUsedRoleTypeCombinations()
          Returns a collection of lists that contain the role type combinations that have been used in actual associations.
 boolean isHierarchical()
          Tests whether this association type is hierarchical.
 boolean isSymmetric()
          Indicates whether the association type is symmetric.
 void transformInstances(java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesFrom, java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesTo)
          Transforms associations from the role types of the given form to the new one as given.
Methods inherited from class ontopoly.model.AbstractTypingTopic
isHidden, isReadOnly
Methods inherited from class ontopoly.model.Topic
addTopicType, copyCharacteristics, findDependentObjects, getDependentObjects, getFieldInstances, getFieldInstances, getId, getMostSpecificTopicType, getName, getTopicIF, getTopicMap, getTopicTypes, hashCode, isAssociationType, isFieldDefinition, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isNameType, isOccurrenceType, isOntologyTopic, isOntologyType, isPrivateSystemTopic, isPublicSystemTopic, isRoleType, isSystemTopic, isTopicMap, isTopicType, remove, removeTopicType, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AssociationType(TopicIF currTopic,
                       TopicMap tm)
Creates a new AssociationType object.

Method Detail


public LocatorIF getLocatorIF()
Description copied from class: AbstractTypingTopic
Gets the LocatorIF for this typing topic. The locator is the PSI used by the ontology topic map model.p

Specified by:
getLocatorIF in class AbstractTypingTopic
the LocatorIF for this typing topic.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
equals in class Topic


public boolean isSymmetric()
Indicates whether the association type is symmetric.


public boolean isHierarchical()
Tests whether this association type is hierarchical.

true if this is association type is hierarchical.


public java.util.Collection<RoleField> getDeclaredByFields()
Description copied from class: AbstractTypingTopic
Returns the field definitions that are declared for this typing topic.

Specified by:
getDeclaredByFields in class AbstractTypingTopic
a list of FieldDefinitions.


public java.util.List<RoleType> getDeclaredRoleTypes()
Returns all role types that have been declared for this association type.

list of role types


public java.util.Collection<java.util.List<RoleType>> getUsedRoleTypeCombinations()
Returns a collection of lists that contain the role type combinations that have been used in actual associations. The RoleTypes are sorted by object id.



public void transformInstances(java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesFrom,
                               java.util.List<RoleType> roleTypesTo)
Transforms associations from the role types of the given form to the new one as given.

roleTypesFrom - list of role types that should match existing associations
roleTypesTo - list of role types to which the associations should be changed

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