Class AbstractTypingTopic

  extended by ontopoly.model.Topic
      extended by ontopoly.model.AbstractTypingTopic
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssociationType, IdentityType, NameType, OccurrenceType, RoleType, TopicType

public abstract class AbstractTypingTopic
extends Topic

INTERNAL: Common superclass for all typing topics, like association types, topic types, role types, etc. FIXME: Should there be another subtype for isHidden, isReadOnly etc?

Constructor Summary
AbstractTypingTopic(TopicIF topicIF, TopicMap tm)
Method Summary
abstract  java.util.Collection<? extends FieldDefinition> getDeclaredByFields()
          Returns the field definitions that are declared for this typing topic.
abstract  LocatorIF getLocatorIF()
          Gets the LocatorIF for this typing topic.
 boolean isHidden()
          Returns true if this typing topic is hidden.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Returns true if this typing topic is read-only.
Methods inherited from class ontopoly.model.Topic
addTopicType, copyCharacteristics, equals, findDependentObjects, getDependentObjects, getFieldInstances, getFieldInstances, getId, getMostSpecificTopicType, getName, getTopicIF, getTopicMap, getTopicTypes, hashCode, isAssociationType, isFieldDefinition, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isNameType, isOccurrenceType, isOntologyTopic, isOntologyType, isPrivateSystemTopic, isPublicSystemTopic, isRoleType, isSystemTopic, isTopicMap, isTopicType, remove, removeTopicType, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractTypingTopic(TopicIF topicIF,
                           TopicMap tm)

topicIF - the TopicIF object associated with this topic.
tm - the TopicMap this topic belongs to.
Method Detail


public abstract LocatorIF getLocatorIF()
Gets the LocatorIF for this typing topic. The locator is the PSI used by the ontology topic map model.p

the LocatorIF for this typing topic.


public boolean isReadOnly()
Returns true if this typing topic is read-only. If the topic type is read-only it cannot be edited or deleted.

true if read only is turned on.


public boolean isHidden()
Returns true if this typing topic is hidden. NOTE: this feature is not yet supported.

true if hidden is turned on.


public abstract java.util.Collection<? extends FieldDefinition> getDeclaredByFields()
Returns the field definitions that are declared for this typing topic.

a list of FieldDefinitions.

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