Uses of Class

Packages that use URILocator
net.ontopia.infoset.impl.basic The in-memory implementation of the core information set interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators Provides Comparators which are used by the Navigator. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils This package provides topic map utility classes, which are a toolkit for working with the topic map model provided by the core interfaces. 
net.ontopia.utils Contains utility classes and generic interfaces. 

Uses of URILocator in net.ontopia.infoset.impl.basic

Methods in net.ontopia.infoset.impl.basic that return URILocator
static URILocator URILocator.create(java.lang.String uriAddress)
          INTERNAL: Parses the URI and returns an instance of URILocator if the URI is valid.

Uses of URILocator in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators declared as URILocator
protected static URILocator NameComparator.SORT_LOCATOR

Uses of URILocator in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils that return URILocator
static URILocator PSI.getCTMInteger()
static URILocator PSI.getCTMSyntax()
static URILocator PSI.getCTMXTMSyntax()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMInstance()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMNameType()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMSubtype()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMSupertype()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMSupertypeSubtype()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMType()
static URILocator PSI.getSAMTypeInstance()
static URILocator PSI.getXSDDate()
static URILocator PSI.getXSDDatetime()
static URILocator PSI.getXSDDecimal()
static URILocator PSI.getXSDInteger()
static URILocator PSI.getXSDString()
static URILocator PSI.getXSDURI()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMClass()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMClassInstance()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMDisplay()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMInstance()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMOccurrence()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMSort()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMSubclass()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMSuperclass()
static URILocator PSI.getXTMSuperclassSubclass()

Uses of URILocator in net.ontopia.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.utils that return URILocator
static URILocator URIUtils.getFileURI( file)
          INTERNAL: Given a File object, produce a corresponding URILocator object in the file: URI scheme.
static URILocator URIUtils.getURI(java.lang.String uri_or_filename)
          INTERNAL: Turns a string containing a url or a filename into a proper LocatorIF object.
static URILocator URIUtils.getURILocator(java.lang.String uri)
          INTERNAL: Return URILocator from uri string.

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