Uses of Class

Packages that use IdentityNotFoundException
net.ontopia.persistence.proxy An object-relational mapping framework. 

Uses of IdentityNotFoundException in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy

Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy that throw IdentityNotFoundException
 java.lang.Object StorageCacheIF.getValue(StorageAccessIF access, IdentityIF identity, int field)
          INTERNAL: A call forwarded by the transaction (TransactionIF) from persistent objects (PersistentIF) when the field value needs to be retrieved from storage.
 java.lang.Object StorageAccessIF.loadField(AccessRegistrarIF registrar, IdentityIF identity, int field)
          INTERNAL: Requests the loading of the specified field for the given object identity.
 java.lang.Object TransactionIF.loadField(IdentityIF object, int field)
          INTERNAL: Called by PersistentIFs when the value of the specified field is requested.
 java.lang.Object StorageAccessIF.loadFieldMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar, java.util.Collection identities, IdentityIF current, java.lang.Object type, int field)
          INTERNAL: Requests the loading of the specified field for all the given object identities.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractRWPersistent.loadFieldNoCheck(int field)
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractROPersistent.loadFieldNoCheck(int field)

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