public class Processor
INTERNAL: Class that performs the actual db2tm processing.
Field Summary | |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Method Summary | |
protected static AssociationIF |
addAssociation(TopicIF reifier,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static java.lang.Object |
addEntity(Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
addIdentities(AssociationIF assoc,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF |
addIdentities(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
addOccurrence(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
int fieldIndex,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
addPlayer(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
int fieldIndex,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
static void |
addRelations(RelationMapping rmapping,
java.util.Collection relnames,
TopicMapIF topicmap,
LocatorIF baseloc)
INTERNAL: Runs a DB2TM process by adding tuples to the topic map. |
protected static void |
addScope(ScopedIF scoped,
java.lang.String[] scope,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
addTopicName(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
int fieldIndex,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
static void |
addTuple(Relation relation,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
addTypes(TopicIF topic,
java.lang.String[] types,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static boolean |
checkCondition(Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static boolean |
compareScope(java.lang.String[] scope1,
java.util.Collection scope2,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
deleteTopic(TopicIF topic)
protected static AssociationIF |
findAssociationByIdentities(Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF |
findTopicByIdentities(Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List |
getOccurrences(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List |
getPlayers(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List |
getTopicNames(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
removeAssociation(Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
removeEntity(Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
removeOccurrence(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
removePlayer(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
static void |
removeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping,
java.util.Collection relnames,
TopicMapIF topicmap,
LocatorIF baseloc)
INTERNAL: Runs a DB2TM process by removing tuples from the topic map. |
protected static void |
removeTopic(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
removeTopicName(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
Field field,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
static void |
removeTuple(Relation relation,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
removeTypes(TopicIF topic,
java.lang.String[] types,
Context ctx)
static void |
synchronizeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping,
java.util.Collection relnames,
TopicMapIF topicmap,
LocatorIF baseloc)
INTERNAL: Runs a DB2TM process by synchronizing the relations. |
static void |
synchronizeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping,
java.util.Collection relnames,
TopicMapIF topicmap,
LocatorIF baseloc,
boolean forceRescan)
protected static TopicIF |
updateIdentities(TopicIF topic,
Relation relation,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
updateScope(ScopedIF scoped,
java.lang.String[] scope,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
protected static void |
updateTypes(TopicIF topic,
java.lang.String[] types,
Entity entity,
java.lang.String[] tuple,
Context ctx)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static int NEVER_COMMIT_MODE
public static int RELATIONAL_COMMIT_MODE
public static int TUPLE_COMMIT_MODE
public static int COUNT_COMMIT_MODE
public static int DEFAULT_COMMIT_MODE
Method Detail |
public static void addRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc)
public static void removeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc)
public static void addTuple(Relation relation, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.lang.Object addEntity(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static boolean checkCondition(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static AssociationIF addAssociation(TopicIF reifier, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
public static void removeTuple(Relation relation, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removeEntity(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removeTopic(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void deleteTopic(TopicIF topic)
protected static TopicIF findTopicByIdentities(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static AssociationIF findAssociationByIdentities(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF addIdentities(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF updateIdentities(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void addIdentities(AssociationIF assoc, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void addTypes(TopicIF topic, java.lang.String[] types, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void updateTypes(TopicIF topic, java.lang.String[] types, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removeTypes(TopicIF topic, java.lang.String[] types, Context ctx)
protected static void addScope(ScopedIF scoped, java.lang.String[] scope, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void updateScope(ScopedIF scoped, java.lang.String[] scope, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static boolean compareScope(java.lang.String[] scope1, java.util.Collection scope2, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void addTopicName(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, int fieldIndex, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List getTopicNames(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removeTopicName(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void addOccurrence(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, int fieldIndex, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List getOccurrences(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removeOccurrence(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void addPlayer(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, int fieldIndex, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List getPlayers(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removePlayer(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void removeAssociation(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
public static void synchronizeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc)
public static void synchronizeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc, boolean forceRescan)