Uses of Class

Packages that use Context
net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm The implementation of and public API to the DB2TM module for converting relational data (in CSV files or RDBMSs) to Topic Maps. 

Uses of Context in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm with parameters of type Context
protected static AssociationIF Processor.addAssociation(TopicIF reifier, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.lang.Object Processor.addEntity(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.addIdentities(AssociationIF assoc, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF Processor.addIdentities(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.addOccurrence(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, int fieldIndex, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.addPlayer(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, int fieldIndex, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.addScope(ScopedIF scoped, java.lang.String[] scope, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.addTopicName(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, int fieldIndex, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
static void Processor.addTuple(Relation relation, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.addTypes(TopicIF topic, java.lang.String[] types, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static boolean Processor.checkCondition(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static boolean Processor.compareScope(java.lang.String[] scope1, java.util.Collection scope2, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static AssociationIF Processor.findAssociationByIdentities(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF Processor.findTopicByIdentities(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List Processor.getOccurrences(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List Processor.getPlayers(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static java.util.List Processor.getTopicNames(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removeAssociation(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removeEntity(Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removeOccurrence(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removePlayer(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removeTopic(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removeTopicName(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, Field field, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
static void Processor.removeTuple(Relation relation, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.removeTypes(TopicIF topic, java.lang.String[] types, Context ctx)
protected static TopicIF Processor.updateIdentities(TopicIF topic, Relation relation, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.updateScope(ScopedIF scoped, java.lang.String[] scope, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)
protected static void Processor.updateTypes(TopicIF topic, java.lang.String[] types, Entity entity, java.lang.String[] tuple, Context ctx)

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