Uses of Class

Packages that use RelationMapping
net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm The implementation of and public API to the DB2TM module for converting relational data (in CSV files or RDBMSs) to Topic Maps. 

Uses of RelationMapping in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm declared as RelationMapping
protected  RelationMapping Relation.mapping
protected  RelationMapping JDBCDataSource.mapping
protected  RelationMapping CSVDataSource.mapping
protected  RelationMapping Context.rmapping

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm that return RelationMapping
 RelationMapping Relation.getMapping()
          INTERNAL: Returns the relation mapping to which the relation belongs.
 RelationMapping Context.getMapping()
          INTERNAL: Gets the relation mapping currently in use.
static RelationMapping Utils.getRelationMapping(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext ctxt)
          INTERNAL: Helper method for maintaining a relation mapping instance throughout a page context.
static RelationMapping file)
static RelationMapping istream, basedir)
static RelationMapping RelationMapping.readFromClasspath(java.lang.String resource)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm with parameters of type RelationMapping
static void Processor.addRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc)
          INTERNAL: Runs a DB2TM process by adding tuples to the topic map.
static void Processor.removeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc)
          INTERNAL: Runs a DB2TM process by removing tuples from the topic map.
 void Context.setMapping(RelationMapping rmapping)
          INTERNAL: Sets the current relation mapping.
static void Processor.synchronizeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc)
          INTERNAL: Runs a DB2TM process by synchronizing the relations.
static void Processor.synchronizeRelations(RelationMapping rmapping, java.util.Collection relnames, TopicMapIF topicmap, LocatorIF baseloc, boolean forceRescan)
static java.util.Map Utils.verifyRelationsForMapping(RelationMapping rmapping)
          INTERNAL: Returns a map where the keys are data sources and each entry is a collection of their individual relations.

Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm with parameters of type RelationMapping
JDBCDataSource(RelationMapping mapping)
JDBCDataSource(RelationMapping mapping, java.sql.Connection conn)

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