Class ResourceTopicMapSource

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.entry.ResourceTopicMapSource
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ResourceTopicMapSource
extends java.lang.Object
implements TopicMapSourceIF

INTERNAL: TopicMapSourceIF that can reference individual topic map documents that contained in the classpath and can be loaded by a ClassLoader. The properties id, title, resourceName, and syntax are the most commonly used.


Nested Class Summary
static class ResourceTopicMapSource.REF_TYPE
Field Summary
protected  LocatorIF base_address
protected  boolean duplicate_suppression
protected  boolean hidden
protected  java.lang.String id
protected  ExternalReferenceHandlerIF ref_handler
protected  ResourceTopicMapSource.REF_TYPE ref_type
protected  java.lang.String refid
protected  java.util.Collection<TopicMapReferenceIF> reflist
protected  java.lang.String resourceName
protected  java.lang.String syntax
protected  java.lang.String title
protected  boolean validate
Constructor Summary
          INTERNAL: Create a new empty TopicMapSourceIF instance.
ResourceTopicMapSource(java.lang.String resourceName)
          INTERNAL: Create a new TopicMapSourceIF instance that references a resource that can be located in the classpath.
Method Summary
 TopicMapReferenceIF createTopicMap(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String baseAddress)
          PUBLIC: Creates a new topic map in the underlying source and returns a reference to the created topic map.
 LocatorIF getBase()
          INTERNAL: Gets the base locator of the topic maps retrieved from the source.
 java.lang.String getBaseAddress()
          INTERNAL: Gets the base address of the topic maps retrieved from the source.
 boolean getDuplicateSuppression()
          INTERNAL: Gets the duplicate suppression flag.
 ExternalReferenceHandlerIF getExternalReferenceHandler()
          INTERNAL: Gets the external reference handler.
 java.lang.String getId()
          PUBLIC: Gets the id of the source.
 java.lang.String getReferenceId()
          INTERNAL: Gets the id of the topic map reference for this topic map source.
 java.util.Collection<TopicMapReferenceIF> getReferences()
          PUBLIC: Returns an unmodifiable collection of TopicMapReferenceIFs found by the topic map source.
 java.lang.String getResourceName()
          INTERNAL: Gets the resource name of the source topic map.
 java.lang.String getSyntax()
          INTERNAL: Returns the syntax of the document.
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          PUBLIC: Gets the title of the source.
 boolean getValidation()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if validation is on, false otherwise.
 void refresh()
          PUBLIC: Refreshes the collection of references.
 void setBase(LocatorIF base_address)
          INTERNAL: Sets the base locator of the topic maps retrieved from the source.
 void setBaseAddress(java.lang.String base_address)
          INTERNAL: Sets the base address of the topic maps retrieved from the source.
 void setDuplicateSuppression(boolean duplicate_suppression)
          INTERNAL: Sets the duplicate suppression flag.
 void setExternalReferenceHandler(ExternalReferenceHandlerIF ref_handler)
          INTERNAL: Sets the external reference handler.
 void setId(java.lang.String id)
          PUBLIC: Sets the id of the source.
 void setReferenceId(java.lang.String refid)
          INTERNAL: Sets the id of the topic map reference for this topic map source.
 void setResourceName(java.lang.String resourceName)
          INTERNAL: Sets the resource name of the source topic map.
 void setSyntax(java.lang.String syntax)
          INTERNAL: Specifies the syntax of the document.
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          PUBLIC: Sets the title of the source.
 void setValidation(boolean validate)
          INTERNAL: Turn validation of XTM documents according to DTD on or off.
 boolean supportsCreate()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if the source supports creating new topic maps with the createTopicMap.
 boolean supportsDelete()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if the source supports deleting topic map with the TopicMapReferenceIF.delete() method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String id


protected java.lang.String refid


protected java.lang.String title


protected java.lang.String resourceName


protected ResourceTopicMapSource.REF_TYPE ref_type


protected java.lang.String syntax


protected boolean hidden


protected LocatorIF base_address


protected boolean duplicate_suppression


protected boolean validate


protected ExternalReferenceHandlerIF ref_handler


protected java.util.Collection<TopicMapReferenceIF> reflist
Constructor Detail


public ResourceTopicMapSource()
INTERNAL: Create a new empty TopicMapSourceIF instance.


public ResourceTopicMapSource(java.lang.String resourceName)
INTERNAL: Create a new TopicMapSourceIF instance that references a resource that can be located in the classpath. An example for a valid resource name is 'net/ontopia/topicmaps/examples/ItalianOpera.ltm'.

resourceName - the name of the topic map resource.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getId()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Gets the id of the source.

Specified by:
getId in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public void setId(java.lang.String id)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Sets the id of the source. Note that this method is intended for use when the source is used in a TopicMapRepositoryIF. The source should throw an UnsupportedOperationException if it does not support setting the id.

Specified by:
setId in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public java.lang.String getTitle()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Gets the title of the source.

Specified by:
getTitle in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Sets the title of the source.

Specified by:
setTitle in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public java.lang.String getReferenceId()
INTERNAL: Gets the id of the topic map reference for this topic map source.


public void setReferenceId(java.lang.String refid)
INTERNAL: Sets the id of the topic map reference for this topic map source.


public java.lang.String getSyntax()
INTERNAL: Returns the syntax of the document.


public void setSyntax(java.lang.String syntax)
INTERNAL: Specifies the syntax of the document. This property will be used to ensure that the topic map syntax is correctly recognized. The supported syntaxes are 'XTM', 'LTM', 'RDF' and 'N3'. If the syntax is not specified the class will attempt to guess it by looking at the address suffix.


public java.lang.String getResourceName()
INTERNAL: Gets the resource name of the source topic map.


public void setResourceName(java.lang.String resourceName)
INTERNAL: Sets the resource name of the source topic map.


public LocatorIF getBase()
INTERNAL: Gets the base locator of the topic maps retrieved from the source.


public void setBase(LocatorIF base_address)
INTERNAL: Sets the base locator of the topic maps retrieved from the source.


public java.lang.String getBaseAddress()
INTERNAL: Gets the base address of the topic maps retrieved from the source. The notation is assumed to be 'URI'.


public void setBaseAddress(java.lang.String base_address)
INTERNAL: Sets the base address of the topic maps retrieved from the source. The notation is assumed to be 'URI'.


public boolean getDuplicateSuppression()
INTERNAL: Gets the duplicate suppression flag. If the flag is true duplicate suppression is to be performed when loading the topic maps.


public void setDuplicateSuppression(boolean duplicate_suppression)
INTERNAL: Sets the duplicate suppression flag. If the flag is true duplicate suppression is to be performed when loading the topic maps.


public void setValidation(boolean validate)
INTERNAL: Turn validation of XTM documents according to DTD on or off. The validation checks if the documents read follow the DTD, and will abort import if they do not.

validate - Will validate if true, will not if false.


public boolean getValidation()
INTERNAL: Returns true if validation is on, false otherwise.


public void setExternalReferenceHandler(ExternalReferenceHandlerIF ref_handler)
INTERNAL: Sets the external reference handler.


public ExternalReferenceHandlerIF getExternalReferenceHandler()
INTERNAL: Gets the external reference handler. The reference handler will receive notifications on references to external topics and topic maps.


public java.util.Collection<TopicMapReferenceIF> getReferences()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Returns an unmodifiable collection of TopicMapReferenceIFs found by the topic map source.

Specified by:
getReferences in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public void refresh()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Refreshes the collection of references. This lets the source look at its underlying data source to reflect any changes made since the last refresh.

Specified by:
refresh in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public boolean supportsCreate()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Returns true if the source supports creating new topic maps with the createTopicMap.

Specified by:
supportsCreate in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public boolean supportsDelete()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Returns true if the source supports deleting topic map with the TopicMapReferenceIF.delete() method.

Specified by:
supportsDelete in interface TopicMapSourceIF


public TopicMapReferenceIF createTopicMap(java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.String baseAddress)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapSourceIF
PUBLIC: Creates a new topic map in the underlying source and returns a reference to the created topic map. The method takes a name and the base address for the topic map to create.

Specified by:
createTopicMap in interface TopicMapSourceIF

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