Class ActionRegistry

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.basic.ActionRegistry
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ActionRegistry
extends java.lang.Object
implements ActionRegistryIF

INTERNAL: Default implementation of the ActionRegistryIF interface. An object of this class is used in the web application to store the main configuration in the application scope.

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Map actionGroups
protected  java.util.Map fields
protected  java.util.Map images
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addActionGroup(ActionGroupIF actionGroup)
          INTERNAL: Adds a principal action group to this registry.
 void addField(FieldInformationIF field)
          INTERNAL: Adds a field to the registry of known field information map.
 void addImage(ImageInformationIF image)
          INTERNAL: Adds a image to the registry of known image information map.
 ActionGroupIF getActionGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the principal action group specified by the action group name.
 FieldInformationIF getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the field information object belonging to the given field name.
 ImageInformationIF getImage(java.lang.String imageName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the image information object belonging to the given image name.
 boolean hasImage(java.lang.String imageName)
          INTERNAL: Checks to see if the receiver has an image information object registered with the given name.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Map actionGroups


protected java.util.Map images


protected java.util.Map fields
Constructor Detail


public ActionRegistry()
Method Detail


public void addActionGroup(ActionGroupIF actionGroup)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Adds a principal action group to this registry.

Specified by:
addActionGroup in interface ActionRegistryIF


public ActionGroupIF getActionGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Gets the principal action group specified by the action group name.

Specified by:
getActionGroup in interface ActionRegistryIF


public void addImage(ImageInformationIF image)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Adds a image to the registry of known image information map.

Specified by:
addImage in interface ActionRegistryIF


public ImageInformationIF getImage(java.lang.String imageName)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Gets the image information object belonging to the given image name.

Specified by:
getImage in interface ActionRegistryIF


public void addField(FieldInformationIF field)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Adds a field to the registry of known field information map.

Specified by:
addField in interface ActionRegistryIF


public FieldInformationIF getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Gets the field information object belonging to the given field name.

Specified by:
getField in interface ActionRegistryIF


public boolean hasImage(java.lang.String imageName)
Description copied from interface: ActionRegistryIF
INTERNAL: Checks to see if the receiver has an image information object registered with the given name.

Specified by:
hasImage in interface ActionRegistryIF


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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