Interface ActionRegistryIF

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ActionRegistryIF

INTERNAL: Interface for storing the application main registry providing access to individual action groups. Classes implementing this interface are the entry point to the action configuration. Typically an object of a class implementing this interface would be through the application scope.

Method Summary
 void addActionGroup(ActionGroupIF actionGroup)
          INTERNAL: Adds a principal action group to this registry.
 void addField(FieldInformationIF field)
          INTERNAL: Adds a field to the registry of known field information map.
 void addImage(ImageInformationIF image)
          INTERNAL: Adds a image to the registry of known image information map.
 ActionGroupIF getActionGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the principal action group specified by the action group name.
 FieldInformationIF getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the field information object belonging to the given field name.
 ImageInformationIF getImage(java.lang.String imageName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the image information object belonging to the given image name.
 boolean hasImage(java.lang.String imageName)
          INTERNAL: Checks to see if the receiver has an image information object registered with the given name.

Method Detail


void addActionGroup(ActionGroupIF actionGroup)
INTERNAL: Adds a principal action group to this registry.


ActionGroupIF getActionGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
INTERNAL: Gets the principal action group specified by the action group name.


void addImage(ImageInformationIF image)
INTERNAL: Adds a image to the registry of known image information map.


ImageInformationIF getImage(java.lang.String imageName)
INTERNAL: Gets the image information object belonging to the given image name.


boolean hasImage(java.lang.String imageName)
INTERNAL: Checks to see if the receiver has an image information object registered with the given name.


void addField(FieldInformationIF field)
INTERNAL: Adds a field to the registry of known field information map.


FieldInformationIF getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
INTERNAL: Gets the field information object belonging to the given field name.

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