Uses of Interface

Packages that use GrabberIF
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators Provides Comparators which are used by the Navigator. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils This package provides topic map utility classes, which are a toolkit for working with the topic map model provided by the core interfaces. 
net.ontopia.utils Contains utility classes and generic interfaces. 

Uses of GrabberIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators that implement GrabberIF
 class ContextNameGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most appropriate basename from a topic and then the most appropriate variant name, if one can be found.

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators declared as GrabberIF
protected  GrabberIF TopicComparator.nameGrabber

Uses of GrabberIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils that implement GrabberIF
 class BaseNameGrabber
          Deprecated. use TopicNameGrabber instead.
 class DisplayNameGrabber
          Deprecated. Since 1.1. Use TopicCharacteristicGrabbers instead.
 class NameGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most suitable name from a topic, measured by whether it contains a particular theme in its scope.
 class ObjectIdGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the object id of the TMObjectIF given to it.
 class RolePlayerGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the topic that plays the role in the association role.
 class RolesGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the association roles of an association.
 class TopicNameGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most appropriate basename from a topic.
 class TopicVariantNameGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most highest ranked variant name by scope from a topic, ignoring the scope of the base names.
 class TypedIFGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the type property of the TypedIF object given to it.
 class VariantNameGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the most highest ranked variant name by scope from a basename.

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils declared as GrabberIF
protected  GrabberIF TypedIFStringifier.grabber
protected  GrabberIF DisplayNameGrabber.subGrabber
          Deprecated. PROTECTED: The NameGrabber used to implement the grabbing.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils that return GrabberIF
static GrabberIF TopicCharacteristicGrabbers.getDisplayNameGrabber()
          INTERNAL: Returns a grabber that will grab the name most suitable for display from a topic.
static GrabberIF TopicCharacteristicGrabbers.getSortNameGrabber()
          INTERNAL: Returns a grabber that will grab the name most suitable for sorting from a topic.

Uses of GrabberIF in net.ontopia.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.utils that implement GrabberIF
 class CachedGrabber<O,G>
          INTERNAL: Grabber that maintains a cache of previously grabbed objects.
 class GrabberGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that makes the second grabber grab what the first grabber grabs and so on.
 class LowerCaseGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that lowercases the String object given to it.
 class SameGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs the object given to it, i.e.
 class StringifierGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs a stringified version of the object given to it.
 class SubstringGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that grabs a substring from the String object given to it.
 class UpperCaseGrabber
          INTERNAL: Grabber that uppercases the String object given to it.

Fields in net.ontopia.utils declared as GrabberIF
protected  GrabberIF<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> GrabberStringifier.grabber
protected  GrabberIF<O,G> GrabberIterator.grabber
protected  GrabberIF<T,G> GrabberDecider.grabber
protected  GrabberIF<O,G> GrabberCollection.grabber
protected  GrabberIF<O,G> CachedGrabber.grabber
protected  GrabberIF<T,G> GrabberComparator.grabber1
protected  GrabberIF<T,G> GrabberComparator.grabber2
protected  GrabberIF<O,KG> GrabberMap.key_grabber
protected  GrabberIF<O,VG> GrabberMap.value_grabber

Fields in net.ontopia.utils with type parameters of type GrabberIF
protected  java.util.List<GrabberIF> GrabberGrabber.grabbers

Methods in net.ontopia.utils that return GrabberIF
 GrabberIF<O,G> CachedGrabber.getGrabber()
          Gets the grabber that is being cached.

Methods in net.ontopia.utils that return types with arguments of type GrabberIF
 java.util.List<GrabberIF> GrabberGrabber.getGrabbers()
          Gets the chained grabbers.

Methods in net.ontopia.utils with parameters of type GrabberIF
 void GrabberGrabber.addGrabber(GrabberIF grabber)
          Add grabber to the end of the grabber list.
 void GrabberStringifier.setGrabber(GrabberIF<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> grabber)
          Set the grabber which is to be used.
 void CachedGrabber.setGrabber(GrabberIF<O,G> grabber)
          Sets the grabber that is to be cached.

Method parameters in net.ontopia.utils with type arguments of type GrabberIF
 void GrabberGrabber.setGrabbers(java.util.List<GrabberIF> grabbers)
          Sets the grabbers.

Constructors in net.ontopia.utils with parameters of type GrabberIF
CachedGrabber(GrabberIF<O,G> grabber)
GrabberCollection(java.util.Collection<O> coll, GrabberIF<O,G> grabber)
GrabberCollection(java.util.Collection<O> coll, GrabberIF<O,G> grabber, DeciderIF<G> decider)
GrabberComparator(GrabberIF<T,G> grabber, java.util.Comparator<G> comparator)
GrabberComparator(GrabberIF<T,G> grabber1, GrabberIF<T,G> grabber2, java.util.Comparator<G> comparator)
GrabberComparator(GrabberIF<T,G> grabber1, GrabberIF<T,G> grabber2, java.util.Comparator<G> comparator)
GrabberDecider(GrabberIF<T,G> grabber, DeciderIF<G> decider)
GrabberGrabber(GrabberIF... grabbers)
GrabberIterator(java.util.Iterator<O> iter, GrabberIF<O,G> grabber)
GrabberMap(java.util.Collection<O> coll, GrabberIF<O,KG> key_grabber, GrabberIF<O,VG> value_grabber)
GrabberMap(java.util.Collection<O> coll, GrabberIF<O,KG> key_grabber, GrabberIF<O,VG> value_grabber)
GrabberStringifier(GrabberIF<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> grabber)
GrabberStringifier(GrabberIF<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> grabber, StringifierIF stringifier)

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