Class DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator

  extended by net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.topicmaps.DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator
extends java.lang.Object
implements TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF

INTERNAL: The default topic map document generator that generates DocumentIFs for topic map objects.

All documents get an "object_id" field, containing the object id of the topic map object, and a "class" field indicating the class of object. The default class values are:

AssociationIF: 'A', AssociationRoleIF: 'R', TopicNameIF: 'B', OccurrenceIF: 'O', TopicIF: 'T', TopicMapIF: 'M' and VariantNameIF: 'N'.

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String _class
protected static java.lang.String _object_id
static DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator INSTANCE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addContentField(DocumentIF doc, java.lang.String value)
protected  void addLocatorField(DocumentIF doc, LocatorIF locator)
protected  void addObjectFields(DocumentIF doc, TMObjectIF tmobject, java.lang.String klass)
protected  DocumentIF createDocument()
 DocumentIF generate(AssociationIF assoc)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given association.
 DocumentIF generate(AssociationRoleIF assocrl)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given association role.
 DocumentIF generate(OccurrenceIF occur)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given occurrence.
 DocumentIF generate(TopicIF topic)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given topic.
 DocumentIF generate(TopicMapIF topicmap)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given topic map.
 DocumentIF generate(TopicNameIF basename)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given basename.
 DocumentIF generate(VariantNameIF variant)
          INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given variant name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator INSTANCE


protected static final java.lang.String _object_id
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String _class
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator()
Method Detail


protected void addObjectFields(DocumentIF doc,
                               TMObjectIF tmobject,
                               java.lang.String klass)


protected void addContentField(DocumentIF doc,
                               java.lang.String value)


protected void addLocatorField(DocumentIF doc,
                               LocatorIF locator)


public DocumentIF generate(AssociationIF assoc)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given association.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


public DocumentIF generate(AssociationRoleIF assocrl)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given association role.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


public DocumentIF generate(TopicNameIF basename)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given basename.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


public DocumentIF generate(OccurrenceIF occur)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given occurrence.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


public DocumentIF generate(VariantNameIF variant)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given variant name.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


public DocumentIF generate(TopicIF topic)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given topic.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


public DocumentIF generate(TopicMapIF topicmap)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF
INTERNAL: Generate a document for the given topic map.

Specified by:
generate in interface TopicMapDocumentGeneratorIF


protected DocumentIF createDocument()

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