Uses of Interface

Packages that use PredicateIF
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic Contains the in-memory implementation of the query language. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.rdbms Contains the rdbms implementation of the query language. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.utils Code shared between query implementations. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser Contains the code that parses tolog queries. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.spi Provides a set of service provider interfaces for adding new predicates to the tolog query language. 

Uses of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic

Subinterfaces of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic
 interface BasicPredicateIF
          INTERNAL: Represents a predicate in the basic implementation.

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic that implement PredicateIF
 class AbstractDynamicPredicate
          INTERNAL: Common code-sharing superclass for dynamic predicates.
 class AbstractInstanceOfPredicate
          INTERNAL: Common superclass for the two instance-of predicates.
 class AssociationPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'association' predicate.
 class AssociationRolePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'association-role' predicate.
 class BaseLocatorPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'base-locator' predicate.
 class CoalescePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'coalesce' predicate.
 class DatatypePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'datatype' predicate.
 class DirectInstanceOfPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'direct-instance-of' predicate using the indexes.
 class DynamicAssociationPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements association type predicates.
 class DynamicFailurePredicate
          INTERNAL: Special predicate used when a topic is used as a predicate but the topic is neither an association type nor an occurrence type.
 class DynamicOccurrencePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements occurrence predicates.
 class EqualsPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the '=' predicate.
 class GreaterThanEqualsPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the '>=' predicate.
 class GreaterThanPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the '>' predicate.
 class InPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'in(var, e1, ..., eN)' predicate.
 class InstanceOfPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'instance-of' predicate using the indexes.
 class ItemIdentifierPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'item-identifier(thing, locator)' predicate.
 class JavaSearcherPredicate
          EXPERIMENTAL: Java searcher predicate.
 class LessThanEqualsPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the '<=' predicate.
 class LessThanPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the '<' predicate.
 class NamePredicate
          INTERNAL: The implementation of the 'name(topic, name-string)' predicate.
 class NotEqualsPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the '/=' predicate.
 class ObjectIdPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'object(thing, id)' predicate.
 class OccurrencePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'occurrence' predicate.
 class ReifiesPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'reifies(reifier, reified)' predicate.
 class RemoveDuplicatesPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'remove-duplicates()' predicate.
 class ResourcePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'resource' predicate.
 class RolePlayerPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'role-player' predicate.
 class RulePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements rule predicates.
 class ScopePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'scope(scoped, theme)' predicate.
 class StringModule.EndsWithPredicate
 class StringModule.StartsWithPredicate
 class SubjectIdentifierPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'subject-identifier(topic, locator)' predicate.
 class SubjectLocatorPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'subject-locator(topic, locator)' predicate.
 class TopicMapPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'topicmap' predicate.
 class TopicNamePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'topic-name(topic, name)' predicate.
 class TopicPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'type(typed, type)' predicate.
 class TypePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'type(typed, type)' predicate.
 class ValueLikePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'value-like' predicate.
 class ValuePredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'value' predicate.
 class VariantPredicate
          INTERNAL: Implements the 'variant(topicname, variantname)' predicate.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic that return PredicateIF
 PredicateIF PredicateFactory.createPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
 PredicateIF PredicateFactory.createPredicate(java.lang.String name)
 PredicateIF PredicateFactory.createPredicate(TopicIF type, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF StringModule.getPredicate(java.lang.String name)
 PredicateIF NumbersModule.getPredicate(java.lang.String name)
 PredicateIF JavaModule.getPredicate(java.lang.String name)

Uses of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.rdbms

Subinterfaces of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.rdbms
 interface JDOPredicateIF
          INTERNAL: Represents a predicate in the rdbms implementation.

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.rdbms that implement PredicateIF
 class JDOBasicPredicate
          INTERNAL: A predicate wrapper that delegates all it's method calls to the nested basic predicate.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.rdbms that return PredicateIF
 PredicateIF PredicateFactory.createPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
 PredicateIF PredicateFactory.createPredicate(java.lang.String name)
 PredicateIF PredicateFactory.createPredicate(TopicIF type, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF JDOBasicModule.getPredicate(java.lang.String name)

Uses of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.utils that implement PredicateIF
 class HierarchyWalkerRulePredicate
static class QueryOptimizer.PumpPredicate

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.utils with parameters of type PredicateIF
 void BindingContext.addArgumentTypes(java.lang.Object argument, java.lang.Class[] types, PredicateIF predicate)
static PredicateSignature PredicateSignature.getSignature(PredicateIF predicate)
 void PredicateSignature.verifyBound(QueryMatches matches, java.lang.Object[] arguments, PredicateIF predicate)
          INTERNAL: Verifies that arguments which are required to be bound actually are bound.

Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.utils with parameters of type PredicateIF
QueryOptimizer.PumpClause(PredicateIF predicate, java.util.List arguments)

Uses of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser declared as PredicateIF
protected  PredicateIF PredicateClause.predicate

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser that return PredicateIF
 PredicateIF PredicateFactoryIF.createPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
          INTERNAL: Creates a rule predicate for the parsed rule.
 PredicateIF PredicateFactoryIF.createPredicate(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Looks up a built-in predicate by its name.
 PredicateIF PredicateFactoryIF.createPredicate(TopicIF type, boolean assoc)
          INTERNAL: Creates a dynamic predicate for the given topic; either an association predicate or an occurrence predicate, depending on the value of the assoc parameter.
 PredicateIF PredicateClause.getPredicate()
 PredicateIF ParseContextIF.getPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
 PredicateIF LocalParseContext.getPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
 PredicateIF GlobalParseContext.getPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
 PredicateIF ParseContextIF.getPredicate(QName qname, boolean assoc)
          INTERNAL: Returns the named predicate, or null if it does not exist.
 PredicateIF LocalParseContext.getPredicate(QName qname, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF GlobalParseContext.getPredicate(QName qname, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF ModuleIF.getPredicate(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Returns the predicate with the given local name inside the module.
 PredicateIF ParseContextIF.getPredicate(TopicIF topic, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF LocalParseContext.getPredicate(TopicIF topic, boolean assoc)
 PredicateIF GlobalParseContext.getPredicate(TopicIF topic, boolean assoc)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser with parameters of type PredicateIF
 void ParseContextIF.addPredicate(PredicateIF predicate)
          INTERNAL: Adds a new predicate to the context.
 void LocalParseContext.addPredicate(PredicateIF predicate)
 void GlobalParseContext.addPredicate(PredicateIF predicate)
 void PredicateClause.setPredicate(PredicateIF predicate)

Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser with parameters of type PredicateIF
PredicateClause(PredicateIF predicate)
PredicateClause(PredicateIF predicate, java.util.List arguments)

Uses of PredicateIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.spi

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.spi that implement PredicateIF
 class EqualsFilter
          EXPERIMENTAL: Sample filter implementation that returns true if all arguments are equal.
 class FilterPredicate
          EXPERIMENTAL: Base predicate that provides a simple interface for implementing predicate filters.
 class JavaPredicate
          INTERNAL: Abstract predicate class that works as a common superclass for the real predicate classes.
 class ProcessPredicate
          EXPERIMENTAL: Base predicate that provides a simple interface for implementing predicates.

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