Uses of Interface

Packages that use LookupIndexIF
net.ontopia.persistence.proxy An object-relational mapping framework. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms Relational database implementation of the core topic map interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils INTERNAL: Classes that are used by many implementations. 
net.ontopia.utils Contains utility classes and generic interfaces. 

Uses of LookupIndexIF in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy

Subinterfaces of LookupIndexIF in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy
 interface TransactionalLookupIndexIF<K,E>
          INTERNAL: Interface shared by the lookup indexes that look up data in the backend storage.

Classes in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy that implement LookupIndexIF
 class TransactionalLRULookupIndex
 class TransactionalSoftHashMapIndex

Fields in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy declared as LookupIndexIF
protected  LookupIndexIF AbstractTransaction.identity_map

Uses of LookupIndexIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms that implement LookupIndexIF
 class LocatorLookup
          INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index.
 class QueryLookup
          INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index.
 class SharedLocatorLookup
          INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index.
 class SharedQueryLookup
          INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index.

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms declared as LookupIndexIF
protected  LookupIndexIF QueryLookup.cache
protected  LookupIndexIF LocatorLookup.cache

Uses of LookupIndexIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils that implement LookupIndexIF
 class StatisticsIndex<K,V>
          INTERNAL: A lookup index that transforms its entry values to and from SoftReferences.

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils declared as LookupIndexIF
protected  LookupIndexIF<K,java.lang.ref.Reference<V>> StatisticsIndex.index

Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils with parameters of type LookupIndexIF
StatisticsIndex(java.lang.String name, LookupIndexIF<K,java.lang.ref.Reference<V>> index)

Uses of LookupIndexIF in net.ontopia.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.utils that implement LookupIndexIF
 class CachedIndex<K,E>
          INTERNAL: A LookupIndexIF which uses another, slower, LookupIndexIF as a fallback and caches the values attached to the most commonly requested keys using an LRU strategy.
 class ChainedIndex<K,E>
          INTERNAL: A lookup index that delegates LookupIndexIF calls to chains of LookupIndexIFs.
 class HashMapIndex<K,E>
          INTERNAL: A lookup index that extends HashMap.
 class MapIndex
          INTERNAL: A non-synchronized lookup index adapter for Map instances.
 class SoftHashMapIndex<K,E>
          INTERNAL: A lookup index implementation that uses soft references for the keys, in order to allow them to be garbage-collected.
 class SoftValueHashMapIndex
          INTERNAL: A lookup index implementation that uses soft references for the values, in order to allow them to be garbage-collected.
 class SynchronizedLookupIndex
          INTERNAL: Synchronized wrapper class for LookupIndexIF instances.
 class WeakHashMapIndex
          INTERNAL: A lookup index that extends WeakHashMap.

Fields in net.ontopia.utils declared as LookupIndexIF
protected  LookupIndexIF WeakHashMapIndex.fallback
protected  LookupIndexIF<K,E> HashMapIndex.fallback
protected  LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] ChainedIndex.getters
protected  LookupIndexIF SynchronizedLookupIndex.index
protected  LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] ChainedIndex.putters
protected  LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] ChainedIndex.removers

Methods in net.ontopia.utils that return LookupIndexIF
 LookupIndexIF SynchronizedLookupIndex.getIndex()

Constructors in net.ontopia.utils with parameters of type LookupIndexIF
CachedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E> fallback)
          Creates an index with the given fallback and default settings.
CachedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E> fallback, boolean nulls)
          Creates an index with the given fallback, default settings and the specified nulls setting.
CachedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E> fallback, int max, int size, boolean nulls)
          Creates an index with the given fallback and settings.
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] chain)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E> setter)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E> setter)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] setters)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] setters)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] putters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] removers)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] putters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] removers)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] getters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] putters, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] removers)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E> getter, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] setters)
ChainedIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E> getter, LookupIndexIF<K,E>[] setters)
HashMapIndex(LookupIndexIF<K,E> fallback)
HashMapIndex(java.util.Map<K,E> map, LookupIndexIF<K,E> fallback)
SynchronizedLookupIndex(LookupIndexIF index)
WeakHashMapIndex(LookupIndexIF fallback)
WeakHashMapIndex(java.util.Map map, LookupIndexIF fallback)

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