Packages that use Topic | |
ontopoly | |
ontopoly.components | |
ontopoly.model | |
ontopoly.models | |
ontopoly.pages | |
ontopoly.pojos | |
ontopoly.utils |
Uses of Topic in ontopoly |
Methods in ontopoly with parameters of type Topic | |
protected java.lang.String |
OntopolySession.getLockKey(Topic topic)
OntopolyAccessStrategy.Privilege |
OntopolySession.getPrivilege(Topic topic)
OntopolyAccessStrategy.Privilege |
OntopolyAccessStrategy.getPrivilege(User user,
Topic topic)
Resolves the privilege of a user for the provided topic. |
LockManager.Lock |
OntopolySession.lock(Topic topic,
java.lang.String lockerId)
Uses of Topic in ontopoly.components |
Classes in ontopoly.components with type parameters of type Topic | |
class |
TopicDropDownChoice<T extends Topic>
class |
TopicLink<T extends Topic>
Fields in ontopoly.components with type parameters of type Topic | |
protected TopicModel<Topic> |
protected java.util.Map<RoleFieldModel,TopicModel<Topic>> |
protected org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.autocomplete.AutoCompleteTextField<Topic> |
protected TopicModel<Topic> |
Methods in ontopoly.components that return Topic | |
protected abstract Topic |
CreateInstanceFunctionBoxPanel.createInstance(TopicMap topicMap,
java.lang.String name)
protected Topic |
FieldInstanceCreatePlayerPanel.createInstance(TopicType topicType)
Topic |
Methods in ontopoly.components that return types with arguments of type Topic | |
protected org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.autocomplete.AutoCompleteTextField<Topic> |
abstract TopicModel<Topic> |
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponent<Topic> |
Methods in ontopoly.components with parameters of type Topic | |
protected boolean |
FieldDefinitionLabel.isFieldDefinitionLinkEnabled(Topic topic)
protected boolean |
FieldDefinitionLabel.isOntologyTypeLinkEnabled(Topic topic)
abstract void |
DeleteTopicFunctionBoxPanel.onDeleteConfirmed(Topic topic)
protected abstract void |
LockPanel.onLockLost(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target,
Topic topic)
Called when the lock on the topic was lost. |
protected abstract void |
InstancePanel.onLockLost(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target,
Topic topic)
protected abstract void |
LockPanel.onLockWon(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target,
Topic topic)
Called when the lock on the topic was won. |
protected abstract void |
InstancePanel.onLockWon(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target,
Topic topic)
protected void |
FieldInstanceAssociationBinaryField.onNewSelection(FieldValueModel fieldValueModel,
Topic selectedTopic)
protected boolean |
FieldInstanceAssociationNaryField.onNewSelection(RoleFieldModel ofieldModel,
Topic selectedTopic)
protected abstract void |
AssociationFieldAutoCompleteTextField.onTopicSelected(Topic topic)
protected abstract void |
FieldInstanceAssociationBinaryField.performNewSelection(FieldValueModel fieldValueModel,
RoleField selectedField,
Topic selectedTopic)
protected abstract void |
FieldInstanceCreatePlayerPanel.performNewSelection(RoleFieldModel ofieldModel,
Topic selectedTopic)
protected void |
FieldInstanceAssociationNaryField.performNewSelection(RoleFieldModel ofieldModel,
Topic selectedTopic)
protected RoleField.ValueIF |
FieldInstanceAssociationBinaryPanel.performNewSelection(RoleField selectedField,
Topic selectedTopic)
protected void |
ConfirmDeletePanel.setTopic(Topic topic)
protected void |
FieldInstanceCreatePlayerPanel.showInstancePage(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target,
Topic topic,
TopicType topicType,
org.apache.wicket.Component c)
Method parameters in ontopoly.components with type arguments of type Topic | |
protected abstract void |
AssociationFieldAutoCompleteTextField.filterPlayers(java.util.List<Topic> players)
protected void |
TopicListPanel.TopicListView.populateItem(org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem<Topic> item)
Constructor parameters in ontopoly.components with type arguments of type Topic | |
AddOrRemoveTypeFunctionBoxPanel(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel)
AssociationFieldAutoCompleteTextField(java.lang.String id,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<Topic> model,
RoleFieldModel valueFieldModel)
AssociationTransformFunctionBoxPanel(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel)
CreateOrCopyInstanceFunctionBoxPanel(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
TopicTypeModel topicTypeModel)
InstancePanel(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
TopicTypeModel topicTypeModel,
FieldsViewModel fieldsViewModel,
boolean _isReadOnly,
boolean traversable)
LockPanel(java.lang.String id,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<? extends Topic> topicModel,
boolean shouldAcquireLock)
TopicListPanel.TopicInstanceLink(java.lang.String id,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<Topic> topicModel)
TopicListPanel.TopicListView(java.lang.String id,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<java.util.List<Topic>> list)
TopicListPanel(java.lang.String id,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<java.util.List<Topic>> topics)
TopicTypesFunctionBoxPanel(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
TopicTypeModel topicTypeModel,
FieldsViewModel fieldsViewModel)
ViewsFunctionBoxPanel(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
TopicTypeModel topicTypeModel,
FieldsViewModel fieldsViewModel)
Uses of Topic in ontopoly.model |
Subclasses of Topic in ontopoly.model | |
class |
INTERNAL: Common superclass for all typing topics, like association types, topic types, role types, etc. |
class |
Represents an association field. |
class |
Represents an association type. |
class |
Represents a cardinality that can be assigned to a field. |
class |
Represents the edit mode of a field. |
class |
Represents a datatype which can be assigned to an occurrence type. |
class |
Represents the edit mode of a field. |
class |
Represents a field type, which may be a name type, an occurrence type, an identity field, or a combination of an association role and an association type. |
class |
Represents a fields view. |
class |
Represents an identify field. |
class |
Represents an identity type. |
class |
Represents a datatype which can be assigned to an association field. |
class |
Represents a name field. |
class |
Represents a name type. |
class |
Represents an occurrence field. |
class |
Represents an occurrence type. |
class |
Represents a query field. |
class |
Represents a role field. |
class |
Represents a role type. |
class |
INTERNAL: Represents a topic type. |
Methods in ontopoly.model that return Topic | |
Topic |
Topic |
TopicType.createInstance(java.lang.String name)
Create a new topic instance of this topic type. |
Topic |
Returns the topic this field instance is attached to. |
Topic |
RoleField.ValueIF.getPlayer(RoleField roleField,
Topic oplayer)
Topic[] |
Topic |
Topic |
TopicMap.getTopicById(java.lang.String id)
Methods in ontopoly.model that return types with arguments of type Topic | |
java.util.List<Topic> |
java.util.List<Topic> |
RoleField.getAllowedPlayers(Topic currentTopic)
java.util.Collection<Topic> |
java.util.List<Topic> |
Returns the set of all instances of this topic type. |
java.util.List<Topic> |
TopicType.searchAll(java.lang.String searchTerm)
Returns the topics that matches the given search term. |
java.util.List<Topic> |
TopicMap.searchAll(java.lang.String searchTerm)
Returns the topics that matches the given search term. |
java.util.List<Topic> |
RoleField.searchAllowedPlayers(java.lang.String searchTerm)
Search for the topics that match the given search term. |
Methods in ontopoly.model with parameters of type Topic | |
void |
RoleField.ValueIF.addPlayer(RoleField roleField,
Topic player)
void |
RoleField.addValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Adds an instance topic to the other side of an association an instance topic takes part in. |
void |
QueryField.addValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Not supported. |
void |
OccurrenceField.addValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
void |
NameField.addValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Adds a name to a topic. |
void |
IdentityField.addValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Replaces a subject locator of or adds a subject identifier to a topic. |
abstract void |
FieldDefinition.addValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
java.util.List<Topic> |
RoleField.getAllowedPlayers(Topic currentTopic)
java.util.Collection<TopicType> |
RoleField.getAllowedPlayerTypes(Topic currentTopic)
java.util.List<RoleField.ValueIF> |
RoleField.getOrderedValues(Topic topic,
RoleField ofield)
Topic |
RoleField.ValueIF.getPlayer(RoleField roleField,
Topic oplayer)
java.util.List<RoleField.ValueIF> |
RoleField.getValues(Topic topic)
Gets the instance topics on the other side of an association an instance topic takes part in. |
java.util.List<java.lang.Object> |
QueryField.getValues(Topic topic)
Returns the result from executing the values query. |
java.util.List<OccurrenceIF> |
OccurrenceField.getValues(Topic topic)
java.util.List<TopicNameIF> |
NameField.getValues(Topic topic)
Returns the names, which have this NameType object as type, associated with the topic. |
java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Object> |
IdentityField.getValues(Topic topic)
Returns either the subject locator or every subject identifier associated with the topic. |
abstract java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Object> |
FieldDefinition.getValues(Topic topic)
boolean |
Topic.isInstanceOf(Topic type)
void |
RoleField.moveAfter(Topic instance,
RoleField ofield,
RoleField.ValueIF rfv1,
RoleField.ValueIF rfv2)
Change field value order so that the first value is ordered directly after the second value. |
void |
LifeCycleListener.onAfterAdd(Topic topic,
FieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
java.lang.Object value)
void |
LifeCycleListener.onAfterCreate(Topic topic,
TopicType topicType)
void |
LifeCycleListener.onBeforeDelete(Topic topic)
void |
LifeCycleListener.onBeforeRemove(Topic topic,
FieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
java.lang.Object value)
void |
RoleField.removeValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Removes an instance topic from the other side of an association an instance topic takes part in. |
void |
QueryField.removeValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Not supported. |
void |
OccurrenceField.removeValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
void |
NameField.removeValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Removes a name from a topic. |
void |
IdentityField.removeValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Removes the subject locator or a subject identifier from a topic. |
abstract void |
FieldDefinition.removeValue(Topic topic,
java.lang.Object _value,
LifeCycleListener listener)
Method parameters in ontopoly.model with type arguments of type Topic | |
protected void |
Topic.findDependentObjects(java.util.Collection<Topic> alreadyKnownDependentObjects)
Find all objects that are dependent on this topic and that should be removed if this topic is removed. |
Constructors in ontopoly.model with parameters of type Topic | |
FieldInstance(Topic instance,
FieldAssignment fieldAssignment)
FieldsView(Topic topic)
Uses of Topic in ontopoly.models |
Classes in ontopoly.models with type parameters of type Topic | |
class |
TopicModel<T extends Topic>
Methods in ontopoly.models that return Topic | |
Topic |
Methods in ontopoly.models that return types with arguments of type Topic | |
protected java.util.List<Topic> |
Methods in ontopoly.models with parameters of type Topic | |
protected abstract boolean |
AvailableTopicTypesModel.filter(Topic o)
protected FieldInstance |
FieldInstanceModel.newFieldInstance(Topic topic,
FieldAssignment fieldAssignment)
Method parameters in ontopoly.models with type arguments of type Topic | |
protected abstract void |
PossiblePlayersModel.filterPlayers(java.util.Collection<Topic> players)
Constructor parameters in ontopoly.models with type arguments of type Topic | |
AvailableTopicTypesModel(TopicModel<Topic> topicModel)
Uses of Topic in ontopoly.pages |
Fields in ontopoly.pages with type parameters of type Topic | |
protected TopicModel<Topic> |
protected TopicModel<Topic> |
Methods in ontopoly.pages that return Topic | |
protected Topic |
protected Topic |
EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage.getHierarchyTopic(Topic topic)
Topic |
protected Topic |
Methods in ontopoly.pages that return types with arguments of type Topic | |
TopicModel<Topic> |
Methods in ontopoly.pages with parameters of type Topic | |
boolean |
AbstractOntopolyPage.filterTopic(Topic topic)
Access filter to tell whether user has default access rights to topic is not. |
protected java.lang.String |
EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage.getDefinitionQuery(Topic topic)
protected Topic |
EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage.getHierarchyTopic(Topic topic)
java.lang.String |
AbstractOntopolyPage.getLabel(Topic topic)
Returns the display name of the given topic. |
java.lang.Class<? extends org.apache.wicket.Page> |
DescriptionPage.getPageClass(Topic topic)
java.lang.Class<? extends org.apache.wicket.Page> |
AbstractTypesPage.getPageClass(Topic topic)
java.lang.Class<? extends org.apache.wicket.Page> |
AbstractOntopolyPage.getPageClass(Topic topic)
Given the topic return the page class to use. |
org.apache.wicket.PageParameters |
EmbeddedInstancePage.getPageParameters(Topic topic)
org.apache.wicket.PageParameters |
EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage.getPageParameters(Topic topic)
org.apache.wicket.PageParameters |
AbstractTypesPage.getPageParameters(Topic topic)
org.apache.wicket.PageParameters |
AbstractOntopolyPage.getPageParameters(Topic topic)
Given the topic return the page parameters to use. |
boolean |
AbstractOntopolyPage.isAddAllowed(Topic parent,
FieldDefinition fdParent)
boolean |
AbstractOntopolyPage.isAddAllowed(Topic parent,
FieldDefinition fdParent,
Topic child,
FieldDefinition fdChild)
boolean |
AbstractOntopolyPage.isCreateAllowed(Topic parent,
FieldDefinition fdParent,
TopicType childType,
FieldDefinition fdChild)
boolean |
AbstractOntopolyPage.isRemoveAllowed(Topic parent,
FieldDefinition fdParent)
boolean |
AbstractOntopolyPage.isRemoveAllowed(Topic parent,
FieldDefinition fdParent,
Topic child,
FieldDefinition fdChild)
void |
AbstractOntopolyPage.onAfterAdd(Topic topic,
FieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
java.lang.Object value)
void |
AbstractOntopolyPage.onAfterCreate(Topic topic,
TopicType topicType)
void |
AbstractOntopolyPage.onBeforeDelete(Topic topic)
void |
AbstractOntopolyPage.onBeforeRemove(Topic topic,
FieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
java.lang.Object value)
Method parameters in ontopoly.pages with type arguments of type Topic | |
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<javax.swing.tree.TreeModel> |
EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage.createTreeModel(TopicModel<Topic> hierarchyTopicModel,
TopicModel<Topic> currentNodeModel)
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<javax.swing.tree.TreeModel> |
EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage.createTreeModel(TopicModel<Topic> hierarchyTopicModel,
TopicModel<Topic> currentNodeModel)
void |
AbstractOntopolyPage.filterTopics(java.util.Collection<? extends Topic> topics)
Checks access for a collection of topics. |
Constructors in ontopoly.pages with parameters of type Topic | |
ModalGeoPickerPage(org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow dialog,
Topic thetopic)
Constructor parameters in ontopoly.pages with type arguments of type Topic | |
ModalInstancePage(java.lang.String id,
TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
TopicTypeModel topicTypeModel,
FieldsViewModel fieldsViewModel)
Uses of Topic in ontopoly.pojos |
Methods in ontopoly.pojos that return Topic | |
Topic |
Constructors in ontopoly.pojos with parameters of type Topic | |
TopicNode(Topic topic)
Uses of Topic in ontopoly.utils |
Classes in ontopoly.utils with type parameters of type Topic | |
class |
TopicChoiceRenderer<T extends Topic>
Fields in ontopoly.utils with type parameters of type Topic | |
static TopicChoiceRenderer<Topic> |
Methods in ontopoly.utils that return Topic | |
protected Topic |
TopicChoiceRenderer.getTopic(java.lang.Object object)
Methods in ontopoly.utils with parameters of type Topic | |
int |
TopicIdComparator.compare(Topic t1,
Topic t2)
int |
TopicComparator.compare(Topic t1,
Topic t2)
static boolean |
OntopolyUtils.filterTopicByAdministratorRole(Topic topic)
static boolean |
OntopolyUtils.filterTopicByAnnotationRole(Topic topic)
static boolean |
OntopolyUtils.filterTopicByDefaultRole(Topic topic)
static TopicType |
OntopolyUtils.getDefaultTopicType(Topic topic)
Returns the topic type that is the default topic type amongst the topic types of the topic. |
java.lang.Object |
TopicChoiceRenderer.getDisplayValue(Topic object)
java.lang.String |
TopicChoiceRenderer.getIdValue(Topic object,
int index)
Method parameters in ontopoly.utils with type arguments of type Topic | |
static void |
OntopolyUtils.filterTopicsByAdministratorRole(java.util.Collection<? extends Topic> topics)
static void |
OntopolyUtils.filterTopicsByAnnotationRole(java.util.Collection<? extends Topic> topics)
static void |
OntopolyUtils.filterTopicsByDefaultRole(java.util.Collection<? extends Topic> topics)
Constructor parameters in ontopoly.utils with type arguments of type Topic | |
RoleFieldsValueComparator(TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
java.util.List<RoleFieldModel> roleFieldModels)
RoleFieldValueComparator(TopicModel<Topic> topicModel,
RoleFieldModel roleFieldModel)