Packages that use TopicMap | |
ontopoly | |
ontopoly.components | |
ontopoly.conversion | |
ontopoly.model | |
ontopoly.models | |
ontopoly.pages | |
ontopoly.utils |
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly |
Methods in ontopoly that return TopicMap | |
TopicMap |
OntopolyRequestCycle.getTopicMap(java.lang.String topicMapId)
static TopicMap |
OntopolyContext.getTopicMap(java.lang.String topicMapId)
TopicMap |
OntopolyApplication.getTopicMap(java.lang.String topicMapId)
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly.components |
Methods in ontopoly.components with parameters of type TopicMap | |
protected abstract Topic |
CreateInstanceFunctionBoxPanel.createInstance(TopicMap topicMap,
java.lang.String name)
abstract void |
DeleteTopicMapFunctionBoxPanel.onDeleteConfirmed(TopicMap topic)
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly.conversion |
Fields in ontopoly.conversion declared as TopicMap | |
protected TopicMap |
Methods in ontopoly.conversion with parameters of type TopicMap | |
protected static OccurrenceIF |
UpgradeBase.addOccurrence(TopicMap topicMap,
LocatorIF base_on,
TopicIF topic,
java.lang.String otype,
java.lang.String datatype,
java.lang.String value)
static java.lang.String |
ConversionUtils.convertExisting(TopicMap topicMap,
java.lang.String tmname)
static java.lang.String |
ConversionUtils.convertNew(TopicMap oldTopicMap,
java.lang.String tmname,
TopicMapSource tmsource)
protected static TopicIF |
UpgradeBase.defineOccurrenceField(TopicMap topicMap,
LocatorIF base_on,
java.lang.String otypeId,
java.lang.String datatype,
java.lang.String cardinality)
protected static TopicIF |
UpgradeBase.defineOccurrenceField(TopicMap topicMap,
LocatorIF base_on,
TopicIF otype,
TopicIF datatype,
TopicIF cardinality)
static java.lang.String |
ConversionUtils.upgradeExisting(TopicMap topicMap)
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly.model |
Methods in ontopoly.model that return TopicMap | |
TopicMap |
Gets the topicMap this topic belongs to. |
Methods in ontopoly.model with parameters of type TopicMap | |
static java.util.List<Cardinality> |
Cardinality.getCardinalityTypes(TopicMap tm)
Returns all available cardinalities. |
static java.util.List<DataType> |
DataType.getDataTypes(TopicMap tm)
static CreateAction |
CreateAction.getDefaultCreateAction(TopicMap tm)
Returns the default createa action (popup) |
static DataType |
DataType.getDefaultDataType(TopicMap tm)
static EditMode |
EditMode.getDefaultEditMode(TopicMap tm)
Returns the default edit mode (normal) |
static FieldsView |
FieldsView.getDefaultFieldsView(TopicMap tm)
static InterfaceControl |
InterfaceControl.getDefaultInterfaceControl(TopicMap tm)
static FieldDefinition |
FieldDefinition.getFieldDefinition(java.lang.String fieldId,
int fieldType,
TopicMap tm)
static FieldDefinition |
FieldDefinition.getFieldDefinition(java.lang.String fieldId,
TopicMap tm)
static FieldDefinition |
FieldDefinition.getFieldDefinition(TopicIF fieldTopic,
TopicMap tm)
static void |
FieldAssignment.setOrder(TopicMap topicmap,
TopicIF tt,
TopicIF fd,
int order,
boolean replace)
Constructors in ontopoly.model with parameters of type TopicMap | |
AbstractTypingTopic(TopicIF topicIF,
TopicMap tm)
Constructor. |
AssociationField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
AssociationField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm,
AssociationType associationType)
AssociationType(TopicIF currTopic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new AssociationType object. |
Cardinality(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new Cardinality object. |
CreateAction(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new CreateAction object. |
DataType(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
EditMode(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new EditMode object. |
FieldDefinition(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
FieldsView(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
IdentityField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new IdentityField object. |
IdentityField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm,
IdentityType identityType)
IdentityType(TopicIF type,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new IdentityType object. |
InterfaceControl(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
NameField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
NameField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm,
NameType nameType)
NameType(TopicIF currTopic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new NameType object. |
OccurrenceField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
OccurrenceField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm,
OccurrenceType occurrenceType)
OccurrenceType(TopicIF type,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new OccurrenceType object. |
QueryField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
RoleField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm)
RoleField(TopicIF topic,
TopicMap tm,
RoleType roleType,
AssociationField associationField)
RoleType(TopicIF currTopic,
TopicMap tm)
Creates a new RoleType object. |
Topic(TopicIF topicIF,
TopicMap tm)
Constructor. |
TopicType(TopicIF currTopic,
TopicMap tm)
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly.models |
Methods in ontopoly.models that return TopicMap | |
TopicMap |
protected TopicMap |
Constructors in ontopoly.models with parameters of type TopicMap | |
TopicMapModel(TopicMap topicMap)
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly.pages |
Methods in ontopoly.pages that return TopicMap | |
protected TopicMap |
Uses of TopicMap in ontopoly.utils |
Methods in ontopoly.utils with parameters of type TopicMap | |
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createAssociationTypesTreeModel(TopicMap tm,
boolean isAdminEnabled)
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createNameTypesTreeModel(TopicMap tm,
boolean isAdminEnabled)
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createOccurrenceTypesTreeModel(TopicMap tm,
boolean isAdminEnabled)
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createQueryTreeModel(TopicMap topicMap,
java.lang.String query,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> params)
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createRoleTypesTreeModel(TopicMap tm,
boolean isAdminEnabled)
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createTopicTypesTreeModel(TopicMap tm,
boolean isAnnotationEnabled,
boolean isAdminEnabled)
protected static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel |
TreeModels.createTypesTreeModel(TopicMap tm,
java.lang.String typePSI,
boolean isAdminEnabled)
static void |
ExportUtils.export(TopicMap topicMap,
java.lang.String format,
ExportUtils.Content content,
java.io.OutputStreamWriter out)
static AssociationIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.findBinaryAssociation(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player1,
TopicIF rType1,
TopicIF player2,
TopicIF rType2)
static java.util.Collection<AssociationIF> |
OntopolyModelUtils.findBinaryAssociations(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player1,
TopicIF rType1,
TopicIF rType2)
static TopicIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.findBinaryPlayer(TopicMap tm,
LocatorIF atypeId,
TopicIF player1,
LocatorIF rtype1Id,
LocatorIF rtype2Id)
static java.util.Collection<TopicIF> |
OntopolyModelUtils.findBinaryPlayers(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player1,
TopicIF rType1,
TopicIF rType2)
static java.util.Collection<TopicIF> |
OntopolyModelUtils.findBinaryPlayers(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player1,
TopicIF rType1,
TopicIF rType2,
TopicIF theme)
static AssociationIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.findTernaryAssociation(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player1,
TopicIF rType1,
TopicIF player2,
TopicIF rType2,
TopicIF player3,
TopicIF rType3)
static java.util.Collection<TopicIF> |
OntopolyModelUtils.findTernaryPlayers(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player1,
TopicIF rType1,
TopicIF player2,
TopicIF rType2,
TopicIF rType3)
static AssociationIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.findUnaryAssociation(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player,
TopicIF rType)
static TopicIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.getTopicIF(TopicMap tm,
LocatorIF subjectIdentifier)
static TopicIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.getTopicIF(TopicMap tm,
LocatorIF subjectIdentifier,
boolean mustExist)
static TopicIF |
OntopolyModelUtils.getTopicIF(TopicMap tm,
LocatorIF base,
java.lang.String subjectIndicator)
static boolean |
OntopolyModelUtils.isUnaryPlayer(TopicMap tm,
TopicIF aType,
TopicIF player,
TopicIF rType)
Constructors in ontopoly.utils with parameters of type TopicMap | |
QueryTreeModel(TopicMap topicMap,
java.lang.String query,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> params)