Packages that use IdentityIF | |
net.ontopia.persistence.proxy | An object-relational mapping framework. |
net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms | Relational database implementation of the core topic map interfaces. |
Uses of IdentityIF in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy |
Classes in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy that implement IdentityIF | |
class |
INTERNAL: Class used for representing data store object identities with only a single key. |
class |
INTERNAL: Class used for representing data store object identities with more than a single key. |
class |
INTERNAL: Class used for representing data store object identities with only a single long key. |
class |
INTERNAL: Class used for wrapping other identities. |
Fields in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy declared as IdentityIF | |
protected IdentityIF |
protected IdentityIF |
protected IdentityIF |
protected IdentityIF |
protected IdentityIF |
IdentityIF |
protected IdentityIF |
Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy that return IdentityIF | |
IdentityIF |
INTERNAL: Returns the identity of the object. |
IdentityIF |
IdentityIF |
IdentityIF |
SharedCache.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
long key)
IdentityIF |
AccessRegistrarIF.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
long key)
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. |
IdentityIF |
AbstractLocalCache.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
long key)
IdentityIF |
SharedCache.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
java.lang.Object key)
IdentityIF |
AccessRegistrarIF.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
java.lang.Object key)
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. |
IdentityIF |
AbstractLocalCache.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
java.lang.Object key)
IdentityIF |
SharedCache.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
java.lang.Object[] keys)
IdentityIF |
AccessRegistrarIF.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
java.lang.Object[] keys)
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. |
IdentityIF |
AbstractLocalCache.createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
java.lang.Object[] keys)
IdentityIF |
StorageAccessIF.generateIdentity(java.lang.Object type)
INTERNAL: Called by the application when it requests a new object identity for a given object type. |
IdentityIF |
RDBMSStorage.generateIdentity(java.lang.Object type)
IdentityIF |
RDBMSAccess.generateIdentity(java.lang.Object type)
IdentityIF |
KeyGeneratorIF.generateKey(java.lang.Object type)
INTERNAL: Generates a new object identity of the specified object type. |
IdentityIF |
HighLowKeyGenerator.generateKey(java.lang.Object type)
IdentityIF |
IdentityIF |
IdentityIF |
PersistentObjectAccess.getIdentity(java.lang.Object object)
IdentityIF |
ObjectAccessIF.getIdentity(java.lang.Object object)
INTERNAL: Returns the identity of the specified object handle. |
static IdentityIF |
WrappedIdentity.wrap(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Factory method that wraps the identity in a WrappedIdentity if the identity itself is not a WrappedIdentity. |
Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy with parameters of type IdentityIF | |
PersistentIF |
TransactionIF._getObject(IdentityIF identity)
PersistentIF |
AbstractTransaction._getObject(IdentityIF identity)
void |
PersistentIF._p_setIdentity(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Sets the identity of the object. |
void |
AbstractRWPersistent._p_setIdentity(IdentityIF identity)
void |
AbstractROPersistent._p_setIdentity(IdentityIF identity)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyReference.add_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object value)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.add_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object value)
protected void |
SQLManyToManyReference.add_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object value)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyReference.add(IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection values)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.add(IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection values)
protected void |
SQLManyToManyReference.add(IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection values)
protected void |
SQLCollectionAccess.bindParametersAddRemove(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
ObjectAccessIF oaccess,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object element)
protected void |
SQLObjectAccess.bindParametersDelete(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity)
protected void |
SQLCollectionAccess.bindParametersDelete(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyReference.clear_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.clear_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity)
protected void |
SQLManyToManyReference.clear_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity)
void |
SQLOneToOne.clear(IdentityIF identity)
void |
SQLOneToManyReference.clear(IdentityIF identity)
void |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.clear(IdentityIF identity)
void |
SQLManyToManyReference.clear(IdentityIF identity)
void |
FieldAccessIF.clear(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Clears the field value for the given object identity. |
void |
RDBMSStorage.clearCache(IdentityIF namespace)
void |
JGroupsCluster.clearCache(IdentityIF namespace,
int cacheType)
void |
ClusterIF.clearCache(IdentityIF namespace,
int cacheType)
protected void |
SQLObjectAccess.clearFields(IdentityIF identity)
CacheIF |
JGroupsCaches.createCache(int cacheType,
IdentityIF namespace)
CacheIF |
DefaultCaches.createCache(int cacheType,
IdentityIF namespace)
CacheIF |
CachesIF.createCache(int cacheType,
IdentityIF namespace)
void |
ObjectStates.created(IdentityIF identity)
protected PersistentIF |
AbstractTransaction.createInstance(IdentityIF identity)
void |
SQLBatchObjectAccess.delete(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Deletes the object identity in the database. |
void |
ObjectStates.deleted(IdentityIF identity)
void |
ObjectStates.dirty(IdentityIF identity)
void |
JGroupsCluster.evictCache(IdentityIF namespace,
int cacheType,
java.util.Collection keys)
void |
ClusterIF.evictCache(IdentityIF namespace,
int cacheType,
java.util.Collection keys)
void |
JGroupsCluster.evictCache(IdentityIF namespace,
int cacheType,
java.lang.Object key)
void |
ClusterIF.evictCache(IdentityIF namespace,
int cacheType,
java.lang.Object key)
void |
JGroupsCluster.evictField(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
void |
ClusterIF.evictField(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
void |
StorageCacheIF.evictField(IdentityIF identity,
int field,
boolean notifyCluster)
INTERNAL: Evict the identity's field value from the cache. |
void |
StatisticsCache.evictField(IdentityIF identity,
int field,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
SharedCache.evictField(IdentityIF identity,
int field,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
AbstractLocalCache.evictField(IdentityIF identity,
int field,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
JGroupsCluster.evictFields(IdentityIF identity)
void |
ClusterIF.evictFields(IdentityIF identity)
void |
StorageCacheIF.evictFields(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
INTERNAL: Evict all the identity's field values from the cache. |
void |
StatisticsCache.evictFields(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
SharedCache.evictFields(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
AbstractLocalCache.evictFields(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
JGroupsCluster.evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity)
void |
ClusterIF.evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity)
void |
StorageCacheIF.evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
INTERNAL: Evict the identity from the cache. |
void |
StatisticsCache.evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
SharedCache.evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
void |
AbstractLocalCache.evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity,
boolean notifyCluster)
boolean |
StorageCacheIF.exists(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Can be called to verify whether the specified identity exists in the cache or in the data repository. |
boolean |
StatisticsCache.exists(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
SharedCache.exists(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
RWLocalCache.exists(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
ROLocalCache.exists(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity)
abstract boolean |
AbstractLocalCache.exists(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
StorageIF.getHelperObject(int identifier,
IdentityIF namespace)
INTERNAL: Returns the shared caches. |
java.lang.Object |
RDBMSStorage.getHelperObject(int identifier,
IdentityIF namespace)
PersistentIF |
TransactionIF.getObject(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Gets the object instance with the given identity. |
java.lang.Object |
PersistentObjectAccess.getObject(IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
ObjectAccessIF.getObject(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Returns a handle for the specified value. |
PersistentIF |
AbstractTransaction.getObject(IdentityIF identity)
PersistentIF |
TransactionIF.getObject(IdentityIF identity,
boolean acceptDeleted)
INTERNAL: Gets the object instance with the given identity. |
PersistentIF |
AbstractTransaction.getObject(IdentityIF identity,
boolean acceptDeleted)
int |
ObjectStates.getState(IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
StorageCacheIF.getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
INTERNAL: A call forwarded by the transaction (TransactionIF) from persistent objects (PersistentIF) when the field value needs to be retrieved from storage. |
java.lang.Object |
StatisticsCache.getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
SharedCache.getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
RWLocalCache.getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
ROLocalCache.getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
abstract java.lang.Object |
AbstractLocalCache.getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
boolean |
ObjectStates.isClean(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
ObjectStates.isCreated(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
TransactionIF.isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
boolean |
StorageCacheIF.isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
INTERNAL: Can be called to check if the specfied field has been registered with the cache. |
boolean |
StatisticsCache.isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
boolean |
SharedCache.isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
boolean |
AbstractTransaction.isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
boolean |
AbstractLocalCache.isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
boolean |
TransactionIF.isObjectClean(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
RWTransaction.isObjectClean(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
ROTransaction.isObjectClean(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
TransactionIF.isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
StorageCacheIF.isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Can be called to check if the identity has been registered with the cache. |
boolean |
StatisticsCache.isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
SharedCache.isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
AbstractTransaction.isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
AbstractLocalCache.isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
SQLOneToOne.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
SQLOneToManyReference.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
SQLObjectAccess.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
SQLManyToManyReference.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
boolean |
SQLCollectionAccess.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
java.lang.Object |
FieldAccessIF.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Loads the field value for the given object identity. |
boolean |
ClassAccessIF.load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Loads the object identity from the database. |
java.lang.Object |
StorageAccessIF.loadField(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
INTERNAL: Requests the loading of the specified field for the given object identity. |
java.lang.Object |
SQLObjectAccess.loadField(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
SQLCollectionAccess.loadField(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
RDBMSAccess.loadField(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
ClassAccessIF.loadField(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
INTERNAL: Loads the specified object field for the given identity from the database. |
java.lang.Object |
TransactionIF.loadField(IdentityIF object,
int field)
INTERNAL: Called by PersistentIFs when the value of the specified field is requested. |
java.lang.Object |
AbstractTransaction.loadField(IdentityIF identity,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
SQLObjectAccess.loadFieldMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
SQLCollectionAccess.loadFieldMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
ClassAccessIF.loadFieldMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current,
int field)
INTERNAL: Loads the specified object field for the given identitys from the database. |
java.lang.Object |
StorageAccessIF.loadFieldMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current,
java.lang.Object type,
int field)
INTERNAL: Requests the loading of the specified field for all the given object identities. |
java.lang.Object |
RDBMSAccess.loadFieldMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current,
java.lang.Object type,
int field)
java.lang.Object |
SQLOneToOne.loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current)
java.lang.Object |
SQLOneToManyReference.loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current)
java.lang.Object |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current)
java.lang.Object |
SQLManyToManyReference.loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current)
java.lang.Object |
FieldAccessIF.loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
java.util.Collection identities,
IdentityIF current)
INTERNAL: Loads the field value for all the given object identities. |
boolean |
StorageAccessIF.loadObject(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Check for the existence of the object identity in the data repository. |
boolean |
RDBMSAccess.loadObject(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
IdentityIF identity)
void |
TransactionIF.objectRead(IdentityIF identity)
void |
RWTransaction.objectRead(IdentityIF identity)
void |
ROTransaction.objectRead(IdentityIF identity)
void |
ObjectStates.read(IdentityIF identity)
void |
SharedCache.registerField(TicketIF ticket,
IdentityIF identity,
int field,
java.lang.Object value)
void |
AccessRegistrarIF.registerField(TicketIF ticket,
IdentityIF identity,
int field,
java.lang.Object value)
INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (FieldAccessIF) when they read the value of an object field from the database. |
void |
AbstractLocalCache.registerField(TicketIF ticket,
IdentityIF identity,
int field,
java.lang.Object value)
void |
SharedCache.registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket,
IdentityIF identity)
void |
AccessRegistrarIF.registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket,
IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (QueryIFs or FieldAccessIF) when they locate the identity of an object in the database. |
void |
AbstractLocalCache.registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket,
IdentityIF identity)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyReference.remove_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object value)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.remove_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object value)
protected void |
SQLManyToManyReference.remove_bindParameters(java.sql.PreparedStatement stm,
IdentityIF identity,
java.lang.Object value)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyReference.remove(IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection values)
protected void |
SQLOneToManyAggregate.remove(IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection values)
protected void |
SQLManyToManyReference.remove(IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection values)
void |
OnDemandValue.setContext(IdentityIF identity,
FieldInfoIF finfo)
protected void |
SQLCollectionAccess.storeAdded(ObjectAccessIF oaccess,
IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection elements)
protected void |
SQLCollectionAccess.storeRemoved(ObjectAccessIF oaccess,
IdentityIF identity,
java.util.Collection elements)
static IdentityIF |
WrappedIdentity.wrap(IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Factory method that wraps the identity in a WrappedIdentity if the identity itself is not a WrappedIdentity. |
void |
RDBMSStorage.writeReport(java.io.Writer out,
TopicMapReferenceIF reference,
IdentityIF namespace,
boolean dumpCaches)
Constructors in net.ontopia.persistence.proxy with parameters of type IdentityIF | |
CacheEntry(IdentityIF identity,
int fields)
IdentityNotFoundException(IdentityIF identity)
IdentityNotFoundException(java.lang.String message,
IdentityIF identity)
TrackableLazySet(TransactionIF txn,
IdentityIF identity,
int field)
WrappedIdentity(IdentityIF wrapped)
INTERNAL: Creates an identity instance that wraps another identity. |
Uses of IdentityIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms |
Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms declared as IdentityIF | |
protected IdentityIF |
Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms that return IdentityIF | |
protected IdentityIF |
RDBMSTopicMapStore.getIdentityForObjectId(TransactionIF txn,
java.lang.String object_id)
protected IdentityIF |
RoleTypeAssocTypeCache.i(java.lang.Object o)
Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms with parameters of type IdentityIF | |
protected java.util.Collection |
RoleTypeAssocTypeCache.syncWithTransaction(java.util.Collection roles,
ParameterArray params,
IdentityIF playerid,
IdentityIF rtypeid,
IdentityIF atypeid,
IdentityIF tmid)
Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms with parameters of type IdentityIF | |
SharedLocatorLookup(StorageAccessIF access,
QueryCache qcache,
IdentityIF tmid)