Uses of Interface

Packages that use TMObjectIF
net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.topicmaps Collection of classes for indexing topic maps. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.core Provides interfaces for topic map objects; the topic map API for all Ontopia topic map implementations. Provides an event interface to Ontopia where clients can receive notification about updates to topic maps. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic The in-memory implementation of the core topic map interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms Relational database implementation of the core topic map interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils INTERNAL: Classes that are used by many implementations. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators Provides Comparators which are used by the Navigator. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.core Provides interfaces for the Navigator Tag Libraries and Framework. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.basic The basic implementation of the Navigator core interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.framework The implementation of the Navigator Framework related interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils Provides utility classes for the Navigator Tag Libraries and Framework. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic Contains the in-memory implementation of the query language. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser Contains the code that parses tolog queries. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.core The core interfaces that are common to all schema language implementations. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.impl.osl The classes and interfaces used to represent constructs in the Ontopia Schema Language. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.utils Contains classes containing useful utilities that make working with schemas easier. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils This package provides topic map utility classes, which are a toolkit for working with the topic map model provided by the core interfaces. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.jtm This package provides support for the JSON Topic Map Notation (or JTM) format for topic maps. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.core The core interfaces of the Web Editor Framework; the main interfaces used to build Web Editor applications. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.basic The basic implementation of the core interfaces belonging to Ontopia's web editor framework, except the classes related to the to the implementation of actions (which are in their own package structure). 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.utils Utility classes for the Web Editor Framework; useful for writing Web Editor applications. 
net.ontopia.topicmaps.xml Classes for importing and exporting topic maps in the XML interchange format. 

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.topicmaps

Methods in net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.topicmaps that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF TopicMapSearchResult.get(int index)
          INTERNAL: This is the java.util.List.get(int) method.

Methods in net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.topicmaps with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void DefaultTopicMapDocumentGenerator.addObjectFields(DocumentIF doc, TMObjectIF tmobject, java.lang.String klass)
 void DefaultTopicMapIndexer.delete(TMObjectIF tmobject)
          INTERNAL: Deletes the given topic map object.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.core

Subinterfaces of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.core
 interface AssociationIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by objects representing associations in the topic map model.
 interface AssociationRoleIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by objects representing association roles in the topic map model.
 interface OccurrenceIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by objects representing occurrences in the topic map model.
 interface ReifiableIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by topic map objects that can be reified.
 interface ScopedIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by topic map objects that have scope.
 interface TopicIF
          PUBLIC: This interface is implemented by objects representing topics in the topic map model.
 interface TopicMapIF
          PUBLIC: Represents an entire topic map.
 interface TopicNameIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by an object which represents a topic name, which is a topic characteristic.
 interface TypedIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by topic map objects that are instances of a single type, such as occurrences, associations, association roles, and topic names.
 interface VariantNameIF
          PUBLIC: Implemented by objects representing variant names for topics.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.core that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF TopicMapIF.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map object that has the given object id, from this topic map.
 TMObjectIF TopicMapIF.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map object that has the given item identifier (given as a LocatorIF object), from this topic map.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.core with parameters of type TMObjectIF
static void CrossTopicMapException.check(TMObjectIF tmobject, TMObjectIF target)
static void CrossTopicMapException.check(TMObjectIF tmobject, TopicMapIF target)

Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.core with parameters of type TMObjectIF
CrossTopicMapException(TMObjectIF tmobject, TMObjectIF target)
CrossTopicMapException(TMObjectIF tmobject, TopicMapIF target)
ObjectRemovedException(TMObjectIF tmobject)

Uses of TMObjectIF in

Methods in with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 void TopicMapListenerIF.objectAdded(TMObjectIF snapshot)
          PUBLIC: Callback method called when a topic map object has been added to the topic map.
 void AbstractTopicMapListener.objectAdded(TMObjectIF snapshot)
 void TopicMapListenerIF.objectModified(TMObjectIF snapshot)
          PUBLIC: Callback method called when a topic map object has been modified.
 void AbstractTopicMapListener.objectModified(TMObjectIF snapshot)
 void TopicMapListenerIF.objectRemoved(TMObjectIF snapshot)
          PUBLIC: Callback method called when a topic map object has been removed from the topic map.
 void AbstractTopicMapListener.objectRemoved(TMObjectIF snapshot)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic that implement TMObjectIF
 class Association
          INTERNAL: The basic association implementation.
 class AssociationRole
          INTERNAL: The basic association role implementation.
 class Occurrence
          INTERNAL: The basic occurrence implementation.
 class TMObject
          INTERNAL: The abstract basic topic map object implementation.
 class Topic
          INTERNAL: The basic topic implementation.
 class TopicMap
          INTERNAL: The basic topic map implementation.
 class TopicName
          INTERNAL: The basic topic name implementation.
 class VariantName
          INTERNAL: The basic variant name implementation.

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic with type parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  java.util.Map<LocatorIF,TMObjectIF> SubjectIdentityCache.source_locators

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic that return TMObjectIF
protected  TMObjectIF SubjectIdentityCache._getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
 TMObjectIF TopicMap.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
 TMObjectIF SubjectIdentityCache.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
 TMObjectIF TopicMap.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
 TMObjectIF SubjectIdentityCache.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void SubjectIdentityCache.registerObject(TMObjectIF o)
          INTERNAL: Register the object with the identity map.
protected  void SubjectIdentityCache.registerSourceLocator(LocatorIF source_locator, TMObjectIF object)
protected  void SubjectIdentityCache.unregisterObject(TMObjectIF o)
          INTERNAL: Unregister the object with the identity map.

Method parameters in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic with type arguments of type TMObjectIF
protected  void TopicMapBuilder.checkCollection(java.util.Collection<? extends TMObjectIF> objects)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms that implement TMObjectIF
 class ReadOnlyAssociation
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms association implementation.
 class ReadOnlyAssociationRole
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms association role implementation.
 class ReadOnlyOccurrence
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms occurrence implementation.
 class ReadOnlyTMObject
 class ReadOnlyTopic
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms topic implementation.
 class ReadOnlyTopicMap
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms topic map implementation.
 class ReadOnlyTopicName
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms topic name implementation.
 class ReadOnlyVariantName
          INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms variant name implementation.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms that return TMObjectIF
protected  TMObjectIF SubjectIdentityCache._getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
 TMObjectIF TopicMap.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
 TMObjectIF SubjectIdentityCache.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
 TMObjectIF ReadOnlyTopicMap.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
 TMObjectIF TopicMap.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
 TMObjectIF SubjectIdentityCache.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
 TMObjectIF ReadOnlyTopicMap.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
 TMObjectIF RDBMSTopicMapTransaction.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 long RDBMSTopicMapStore.getLongId(TMObjectIF o)
protected  void SubjectIdentityCache.registerSourceLocator(LocatorIF source_locator, TMObjectIF object)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.remote

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.remote that implement TMObjectIF
 class DynamicAssociation
          INTERNAL: PRIVATE: EXPERIMENTAL: Description: Dynamic proxy for associations
 class DynamicAssociationRole
 class RemoteTopic
          INTERNAL: The remote topic implementation.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.tmapi2

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.tmapi2 with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.tmapi2.ConstructImpl TopicMapImpl.wrapTMObject(TMObjectIF tmobject)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils that implement TMObjectIF
 class PhantomAssociation
          INTERNAL: Class that represents the association object which a deleted role might have belonged to.
 class SnapshotOccurrence
 class SnapshotTMObject
 class SnapshotTopic
 class SnapshotTopicName
 class SnapshotVariantName

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils with type parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  java.util.Collection<TMObjectIF> FulltextIndexManager.added
protected  java.util.Collection<TMObjectIF> FulltextIndexManager.changed

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils that return TMObjectIF
protected abstract  TMObjectIF AbstractSubjectIdentityCache._getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
abstract  TMObjectIF AbstractSubjectIdentityCache.getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
abstract  TMObjectIF AbstractSubjectIdentityCache.getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void AbstractSubjectIdentityCache.registerObject(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Register the object with the identity map.
protected abstract  void AbstractSubjectIdentityCache.registerSourceLocator(LocatorIF source_locator, TMObjectIF object)
protected  void AbstractSubjectIdentityCache.unregisterObject(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Unregister the object with the identity map.

Method parameters in net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils with type arguments of type TMObjectIF
static OccurrenceIF SnapshotOccurrence.makeSnapshot(OccurrenceIF original, int snapshotType, java.util.Map<TMObjectIF,SnapshotTMObject> processed)
static TopicIF SnapshotTopic.makeSnapshot(TopicIF original, int snapshotType, java.util.Map<TMObjectIF,SnapshotTMObject> processed)
static TopicNameIF SnapshotTopicName.makeSnapshot(TopicNameIF original, int snapshotType, java.util.Map<TMObjectIF,SnapshotTMObject> processed)
static VariantNameIF SnapshotVariantName.makeSnapshot(VariantNameIF original, int snapshotType, java.util.Map<TMObjectIF,SnapshotTMObject> processed)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav.utils.comparators with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void NameComparator.initSortNameGrabber(TMObjectIF tmObj)
          INTERNAL: setup variant sort name grabber.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.core

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.core with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 java.lang.String LinkGeneratorIF.generate(ContextTag contextTag, TMObjectIF tmObj, java.lang.String topicmapId, java.lang.String template)
          INTERNAL: create a String which contains link information for a Topic Map Object.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.basic

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.basic with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 java.lang.String DefaultUniversalLinkGenerator.generate(ContextTag contextTag, TMObjectIF tmObj, java.lang.String topicmapId, java.lang.String template)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.framework

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.impl.framework with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 java.lang.String ModelLinkGenerator.generate(ContextTag contextTag, TMObjectIF tmObj, java.lang.String topicmapId, java.lang.String template)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils that return TMObjectIF
protected  TMObjectIF TreeWidget.getObjectById(java.lang.String id)
static TMObjectIF NavigatorUtils.stringID2Object(TopicMapIF tm, java.lang.String s)
          INTERNAL: Tries to convert a string which should contain a subject identifier, XML ID, or object ID to a TMObjectIF object in the following order: try to match a subject indicator (tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier) try to match a source locator (tm.getObjectByItemIdentifier) try to match a topic id (tm.getObjectById)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.utils with parameters of type TMObjectIF
static java.lang.String NavigatorUtils.getStableId(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Returns a stable identifier for the topic map object.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 int QueryMatches.getIndex(TMObjectIF constant)
          INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given constant in the table.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF ParseContextIF.getObject(QName qname)
 TMObjectIF LocalParseContext.getObject(QName qname)
 TMObjectIF GlobalParseContext.getObject(QName qname)
 TMObjectIF GlobalParseContext.getObjectByIdentifier(java.lang.String id)
 TMObjectIF ParseContextIF.getObjectByItemId(java.lang.String uri)
 TMObjectIF LocalParseContext.getObjectByItemId(java.lang.String uri)
 TMObjectIF GlobalParseContext.getObjectByItemId(java.lang.String uri)
 TMObjectIF ParseContextIF.getObjectByObjectId(java.lang.String id)
 TMObjectIF LocalParseContext.getObjectByObjectId(java.lang.String id)
 TMObjectIF GlobalParseContext.getObjectByObjectId(java.lang.String id)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.core

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.core declared as TMObjectIF
protected  TMObjectIF SchemaViolationException.container

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.core that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF SchemaViolationException.getContainer()
          PUBLIC: Returns the owner of the offending object.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.core with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 boolean TMObjectMatcherIF.matches(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Returns true if this object is matched by the matcher.
 boolean ConstraintIF.matches(TMObjectIF object)
          PUBLIC: Returns true if the object given is constrained by this constraint.
 void ValidationHandlerIF.violation(java.lang.String message, TMObjectIF container, java.lang.Object offender, ConstraintIF constraint)
          PUBLIC: Called when violations of the schema are discovered.

Constructors in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.core with parameters of type TMObjectIF
SchemaViolationException(java.lang.String message, TMObjectIF container, java.lang.Object offender, ConstraintIF constraint)
          Creates new exception.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.impl.osl

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.impl.osl with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  ConstraintIF SchemaValidator.findClass(TMObjectIF object, java.util.Collection classes)
 boolean TypeSpecification.matches(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Matches the type of the given object, which must implement the TypedIF interface.
 boolean TopicRoleConstraint.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean TopicClass.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean SubjectIndicatorMatcher.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean SourceLocatorMatcher.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean ScopeSpecification.matches(TMObjectIF object)
          INTERNAL: Matches the specified scope against that of a topic map object (which must implement ScopedIF).
 boolean InternalTopicRefMatcher.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean AssociationClass.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean AnyTopicMatcher.matches(TMObjectIF topic)
 boolean AbstractTypedCardinalityConstraint.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean AbstractScopedTypedCardinalityConstraint.matches(TMObjectIF object)
 boolean AbstractScopedCardinalityConstraint.matches(TMObjectIF object)
protected  void SchemaValidator.validate(TMObjectIF container, java.util.Collection constraints, java.util.Collection objects)
protected  void SchemaValidator.validate(TMObjectIF container, java.util.Collection constraints, java.util.Collection objects, boolean strict)
protected  void SchemaValidator.validate(TMObjectIF object, ConstraintIF constraint)
protected  void SchemaValidator.validateScope(TMObjectIF container, ScopedIF scoped, ScopedConstraintIF constraint)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.schema.utils with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 void TextValidationHandler.violation(java.lang.String message, TMObjectIF container, java.lang.Object offender, ConstraintIF constraint)
 void HTMLValidationHandler.violation(java.lang.String message, TMObjectIF container, java.lang.Object offender, ConstraintIF constraint)
 void ExceptionValidationHandler.violation(java.lang.String message, TMObjectIF container, java.lang.Object offender, ConstraintIF constraint)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils that return TMObjectIF
static TMObjectIF IdentityUtils.getObjectBySymbolicId(TopicMapIF topicmap, java.lang.String symbolicId)
          INTERNAL: Looks up a topic map object by its symbolic id.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils that return types with arguments of type TMObjectIF
 java.util.Collection<java.util.List<TMObjectIF>> AssociationWalker.walkPaths(TopicIF start)
          PUBLIC: Computes the transitive closure under the association type and rolespec definitions provided in the constructor, and returns a set containing the paths taken through the topic map in computing the closure.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils with parameters of type TMObjectIF
static TopicIF ObjectTopicIdStringifier.getTopic(TMObjectIF tmobject)
static java.lang.String ObjectTopicIdStringifier.toString(TMObjectIF tmobject)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.jtm

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.jtm with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 void JTMTopicMapWriter.write(TMObjectIF object)
          PUBLIC: Write the given topic map construct as a JTM fragment.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.xfml

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.xfml with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void XFMLContentHandler.registerSourceLocator(TMObjectIF tmobject, java.lang.String id)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void TopicMapView.setFocusNodeOf(TMObjectIF tmObject)
          Find the node of the given TMObjectIF.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.core

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.core that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF ActionParametersIF.getTMObjectValue()
          PUBLIC: Interprets the string value as a topic map object ID and returns that topic map object.

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.basic

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.basic that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF ActionParameters.getTMObjectValue()

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.utils that return TMObjectIF
static TMObjectIF TagUtils.getTMObject(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext, java.lang.String obj_name)
          Gets the topic map object from the given obj_name by requesting the context manager retrieved by the given pageContext.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.utils with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  ConstraintIF SchemaUtils.findClass(TMObjectIF object, java.util.Collection classes)
 java.lang.String ModelLinkGeneratorWithObjID.generate(ContextTag contextTag, TMObjectIF tmObj, java.lang.String topicmapId, java.lang.String template)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.utils

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.utils with parameters of type TMObjectIF
 java.lang.String ModelLinkGeneratorWithObjID.generate(ContextTag contextTag, TMObjectIF tmObj, java.lang.String topicmapId, java.lang.String template)

Uses of TMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.xml

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.xml with parameters of type TMObjectIF
protected  void AbstractTopicMapExporter.addId(org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributeListImpl atts, TMObjectIF tmobject)
protected  void XTMContentHandler.addItemIdentifier(TMObjectIF tmobject, LocatorIF sourceLocator)
 java.lang.String AbstractTopicMapExporter.getElementId(TMObjectIF tmobject)
          INTERNAL: Method used to extract the XTM element id from a topic map object when a source locator relative to the topic map base address exists.
protected  void XTMContentHandler.registerSourceLocator(TMObjectIF tmobject, java.lang.String id)

Uses of TMObjectIF in ontopoly.models

Methods in ontopoly.models that return TMObjectIF
 TMObjectIF TMObjectModel.getTMObject()
protected  TMObjectIF TMObjectModel.load()

Constructors in ontopoly.models with parameters of type TMObjectIF
TMObjectModel(java.lang.String topicMapId, TMObjectIF object)

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